Development Process and Matter Accumulation of Flue-cured Tobacco

Wang Jun,Jin Yabo,Wei Jianyu,Wen Zhiqiang,Liu Lan and Ding Xiaodong

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (17) : 49-57. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16100114

Development Process and Matter Accumulation of Flue-cured Tobacco

  • Wang Jun1,2, Jin Yabo3, Wei Jianyu3, Wen Zhiqiang4, Liu Lan1,2, Ding Xiaodong5
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In order to investigate the application of organic materials with ridge mulching measures on growth and developmental advancement, material accumulation of flue-cured tobacco during growth period. Field split plot experiment were carried out to study the effect of applying organic materials combined with hilling and mulching straw after uncovering plastic film on tobacco tobacco field growth period, leaf age and different parts of different growth stages of different organs of dry matter and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation. The results * showed that: (1) application of 14925.37 kg/hm2 organic materials combined with earth cover measures can shorten the average root extension period 6d, and extend fast growing, maturation and the field growth stage 15d, 10d and 19d respectively, and the next, upper, middle and lower leaves age 5.4 d, 9.5 d and 8.8 respectively. (2) hilling and mulching straw after uncovering plastic film significantly increased tobacco leaf number, stem height, stem girth, length and width of tobacco leaf, root and stem dry matter accumulation, and tobacco root, stem and whole plant nitrogen accumulation of stem and leaf P accumulation and root K accumulation increased significantly. (3) with the increasing quantities of organic material, tobacco leaf number, stem height, stem girth, maximum leaf length and width and material accumulation increased, among them, the application of 14925.37 kg/hm2 organic material treatment plant dry matter accumulation increased by an average of 0.27 kg/hm2 compared with no application of organic materials, the accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in root and stem, potassium in leaf and whole plant tobacco increased significantly. Applying organic materials combined with hilling and mulching straw after uncovering plastic film can effectively promote the tobacco plant grow quickly , optimize the tobacco growth process effectively, prolong the growth period and promote the material accumulation of tobacco plant, and thus enhance the ripening enduring ability oftobacco leaf in field.

Key words

flue-cured tobocco;organic materials;hilling and mulching straw;growth and development;matter accumulation

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Wang Jun,Jin Yabo,Wei Jianyu,Wen Zhiqiang,Liu Lan and Ding Xiaodong. Development Process and Matter Accumulation of Flue-cured Tobacco. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2017, 33(17): 49-57


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