Biological Characteristics and Yield Structure of Rice-blast-resistance Hybrid Rice‘Guangyouming 118’

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (33) : 11-16. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16080020

Biological Characteristics and Yield Structure of Rice-blast-resistance Hybrid Rice‘Guangyouming 118’

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This paper is aimed at exploring the biological characteristic performances, such as yield, resistance identification, rice quality, agronomic traits and so on, and yield structure characteristics of blast resistance hybrid rice ‘Guangyouming 118’. Based on the experimental results and other demonstration trails of ‘Guangyouming 118’ in Fujian and Anhui provinces, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of its biological characteristics and conducts correlation and path analysesbetween yield and its components. The experimental results and demonstration trails show that ‘Guangyouming 118’ is featured by high yield, medium resistance to rice blast and false smut, susceptible to sheath blight, high susceptible to bacteria blight and wide adaptability.The analysis of yield structure indicates that the contribution of spike number per hectare to yield amounts to 43.05%, while grain number per spike, 1000-grain weight and seed-setting rate total 30.59%, 12.50% and10.57% respectively; The contributions of spike number per hectare and grain number per spike to total grain number per hectare are 34.10% and 64.09% respectively.; The contribution of total grain number per hectare to sink capacity is 86.47% while 1000-grain weight is 13.31%; the contribution of sink capacity to rice yield is 86.94% while seed-setting rate is 10.23%. The keys to high yield of ‘Guangyouming 118’ are tocultivate full and large spikes, increase total grain numbers per unit area, enlarge sink capacity and focus on improving seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight.

Key words

hybrid rice; ‘Guangyouming 118’; yield structure; Correlation coefficient; path coefficient; determination coefficient

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Biological Characteristics and Yield Structure of Rice-blast-resistance Hybrid Rice‘Guangyouming 118’. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(33): 11-16


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