Floral Biological Characteristics of Castanea henryi

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (31) : 79-84. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16070002

Floral Biological Characteristics of Castanea henryi

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To understand the growth and development regularity of male and female flowers and the floral biological characteristics of Castanea henryi, flowering rhythm, phenological phase, different number of male and female flowers and growth rhythm of male inflorescence and bearing shoot were studied by using different Castanea henryi cultivars as materials. The female flowers appeared later than the male flowers, which began to bloom 18 to 26 days after male inflorescence and 1 to 5 days after male flowers. There were differences among different cultivars at flowering phenological phase, and the flowering phase of early maturing cultivar was 10 days earlier than that of late maturing cultivar. There were significant differences among different cultivars with the number of male and female flowers, and the ratio of female to male was from (1:518) to (1:653). The growth and development phase of bearing shoot of different cultivars were similar, but the length and diameter of them were obviously distinct, and the length and diameter of bearing shoot of‘YLZ 7’were significantly greater than that of‘superior plant 16’and‘superior plant 22’. Castanea henryi was male-first type plant, the male and female flowers bloom at different times. There were significant differences among different cultivars with flowering phenological phase and the number of male and female flowers. To ensure the growth and development of female flowers, and improve production and economic benefits of Castanea henryi, we should choose cultivars which have few male flowers, or take measures such as removing part of the male inflorescence at early stage, strengthening the management of water and fertilizer in the production.

Key words

Castanea henryi; male flower; female flower; phenological phase; floral biology

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Floral Biological Characteristics of Castanea henryi. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(31): 79-84 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16070002


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