Remediation Technology Against Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland Soil with Different Pollution Levels

Chen Liangmei,Ma Youhua,Wang Chensisi,Li Jiangxia,Ye Wenling,Wu Linchun and Cui Junyi

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (32) : 94-99. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16040167

Remediation Technology Against Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland Soil with Different Pollution Levels

  • Chen Liangmei, Ma Youhua, Wang Chensisi, Li Jiangxia, Ye Wenling, Wu Linchun, Cui Junyi
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With heavy metal pollution of farmland is more and more serious, crops’ quality and yield decline continuously and cause harm to the health of human beings. But pollution status of different regions has great differences. Taking different restoration measures in terms of different pollution levels of soil can not only improve repair efficiency, but also cut the cost. This paper expounds the effective prevention and remediation methods for farmland soil with different pollution levels. For the moderately and slightly polluted farmland, we mainly take prevention measures as planting resistance control-plant enrichment, passivation-plant resistance controlling and agronomic strengthening; for the heavily polluted farmland, we mainly take prevention measures as planting resistance control-efficient passivation, planting enrichment-other high efficiency technology, physical remediation etc. Now the study on remediation techniques for different levels of heavy metal pollution is still insufficient. We need to develop concrete and feasible remediation technology for different levels of heavy metal pollution systematically.

Key words

farmland soil; heavy metal pollution; pollution levels; compound remediation; plant resistance control

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Chen Liangmei,Ma Youhua,Wang Chensisi,Li Jiangxia,Ye Wenling,Wu Linchun and Cui Junyi. Remediation Technology Against Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland Soil with Different Pollution Levels. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(32): 94-99


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