A Review of Ecological Security Research on Land Resource

Lu Wei,Zhao Yuan,Feng Xinlin,Zhu Yanting,Chang Yi and

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (32) : 88-93. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16040014

A Review of Ecological Security Research on Land Resource

  • Lu Wei1, Zhao Yuan2, Feng Xinlin3, Zhu Yanting2, Chang Yi1
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The problem of land resource ecology security has become one of the hot topics in the field of sustainable utilization of land resource now. Based on the summary of concept and features of ecological security, the authors expounded the connotation, driven factors, framework and methods of land resource ecological security. The land resource ecological security mainly included two aspects, which were (1) land ecological system structure and function in healthy and balanced status; (2) providing stable, balanced and adequate supply for human society sustainable development. The achievement of land resource ecological security required the coordinated promotion and development of nature, economy and society, the impact of economy and society factors on land resource is far more than that of nature. On the assessment framework, the authors summarized the source and application of four kinds of assessment frameworks, which were the PSR framework system, the DPSIR framework system, the DPSER framework system and the framework system of “nature-economy-society”. About the evaluation method, the authors compared the advantages and disadvantages of four kinds of methods respectively. They were the method of mathematical model, ecological model, landscape ecological model and digital terrain model. At the same time, some new evaluation methods about the ecological security of land resource in recent years were put forward. At last, a prospect for the developing trend of ecological security of land resource was proposed: (1) based on ecological function zoning, the assessment indicator system of land resource ecological security which reflected pertinence and otherness should be established, the best threshold value of ecological security should be confirmed; (2) more researches on land resource ecology security and dynamic early warning of the typical areas, such as arid area, sand area, karst region, water and soil loss region, alpine plateau area and so on should be developed; (3) the evaluation method should be better combined with geographic information technology; (4) in order to control the ecological security of land resource better and realize the sustainable use of land resource, new evaluation method should be explored. Only in this way, it can ensure sustainable utilization of land resource.

Key words

land resource; ecological security; driving factor; assessment framework; evaluation method

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Lu Wei,Zhao Yuan,Feng Xinlin,Zhu Yanting,Chang Yi and. A Review of Ecological Security Research on Land Resource. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(32): 88-93 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16040014


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