Effects of Biodegradable Mulch Film on Soil Temperature and Moisture andYield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

Wang Xichun,Jin Zhili,Zhou Xiangping,Yuan Fang,Zhu Linbo,Lei Minjuan,Zhang Fang,Wang Huimin and Liu Wenping

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (24) : 146-152. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16010049

Effects of Biodegradable Mulch Film on Soil Temperature and Moisture andYield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

  • Wang Xichun1, Jin Zhili1, Zhou Xiangping1, Yuan Fang1, Zhu Linbo1, Lei Minjuan2, Zhang Fang1, Wang Huimin3, Liu Wenping4
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To reduce the “white pollution” and the labor cost for removing membrane caused by plastic film mulching in tobacco fields, a field contrast experiment was conducted to study the effect of biodegradable mulch film and PE film on soil temperature and humidity and tobacco production and quality. The results showed that the biodegradable mulch film and PE film had the same effect on heat preservation and warming in tobacco ridge, which could improve flue-cured tobacco growth and quality of tobacco leaf, especially the biodegradable film could preserve humidity in the middle-later period of tobacco field growth, which was benefit to the full maturity of upper leaves. The appearance quality and economic characters of the baking tobacco under biodegradable film treatment were better than that of control. Compared with control, the biodegradable film treatment saved 60 labor/hm2, and the income increased by 5732.25-7431.75 yuan/hm2. Comprehensively considering the three types of biodegradable mulch films, the treatment of T3 (started to degradation after 90 d) had the best economic characters such as tobacco yield, production value, average price, net income, and the appearance quality was better than that of control. The biodegradable mulch film of T3 is suitable for Yongzhou tobacco growing areas.

Key words

biodegradable mulch film; soil temperature and humidity; tobacco production and quality; effect

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Wang Xichun,Jin Zhili,Zhou Xiangping,Yuan Fang,Zhu Linbo,Lei Minjuan,Zhang Fang,Wang Huimin and Liu Wenping. Effects of Biodegradable Mulch Film on Soil Temperature and Moisture andYield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(24): 146-152 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16010049


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