Advances in Water-cultured Rooting of Casuarina Branchlets
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In order to understand water-cultured propagation of Casuarina, this paper generalized the intrinsic factors (species, provenance and physiological age of cutting) and extrinsic factors (growth regulators, temperature, oxygen, water and light), which affected water-cultured rooting of Casuarina branchlets. And then, the research progress of rooting type was also summarized. The paper pointed out that current researches of water-cultured rooting of Casuarinaere mainly concentrated in the growth regulators, cutting, light and temperature, and suggested that the ratio of growth regulators, physiological and biochemical characteristic in rooting process and anatomical structure should be the research orientations for water- cultured rooting of Casuarina.
Advances in Water-cultured Rooting of Casuarina Branchlets. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(10): 42-46
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