Genetic Parameter Estimation for Egg Production Traits of Lingkun Chicken

熊化鑫,张丽萍,,, and 卢立志

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11) : 6-10. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15110054

Genetic Parameter Estimation for Egg Production Traits of Lingkun Chicken

  • 熊化鑫,张丽萍,,, and 卢立志
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In order to improve the breeding effect of egg production traits of Lingkun Chicken, 552 hens in the third and fourth generation from 32 mixed pedigrees were used as the experimental materials. Quality traits including 300-day-old egg production (EN300), 500-day-old egg production (EN500), egg weight (EW), egg shape index (ESI), eggshell thickness (EST), eggshell strength (ESS), albumen height (AH), yolk color (YC), haugh unit (Hu) and yolk weight (YW) were recorded, and then the heritability, genetic correlation and phenotypic correlation were estimated. The results showed that heritability of EN300, EN500, EW, ESI, EST, ESS, AH, YC, Hu and YW was 0.208, 0.192, 0.529, 0.468, 0.505, 0.421, 0.297, 0.031, 0.024 and 0.187, respectively. 300- day- old egg production, eggshell thickness, egg yolk color, haugh unit of the two generations were extremely and significantly different (P<0.01). In the two generations, genetic correlation and phenotypic correlation coefficient among EN300, EN500 and ESI, among EW, YC and YW, and among EST, ESS and AH were all positive, meaning that genetic and phenotypic correlation had similar trend.

Key words

egg production traits; genetic parameter; Lingkun chicken; phenotypic correlation

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熊化鑫,张丽萍,,, and 卢立志. Genetic Parameter Estimation for Egg Production Traits of Lingkun Chicken. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(11): 6-10


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