Effect of Silicon Fertilizer Application on Paddy Soil in Mountainous Areaof Southern Anhui Province

Sun Xing,Zhu Keya,Liu Qin,Cao Zhihong,Cai Xianjie,Cheng Sen,Zhang Weiefeng and Sun Ping

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6) : 6-10. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090003

Effect of Silicon Fertilizer Application on Paddy Soil in Mountainous Areaof Southern Anhui Province

  • Sun Xing1, Zhu Keya1,2, Liu Qin1, Cao Zhihong1, Cai Xianjie3, Cheng Sen3, Zhang Weiefeng3, Sun Ping3
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The aims of this study were to explore the effect of different kinds and amounts of silicon fertilizers on rice yield in the mountainous area of southern Anhui Province and select rice cultivars with high silicon fertilizer accumulation. According to the silicon deficiency properties (available silicon content was 5.68 ± 0.84 mg/kg), a pot experiment with different kinds and amounts of silicon fertilizers and a field experiment on rice cultivars with different silicon sensitivity were designed. The pot experiment results showed that different kinds or amounts of silicon fertilizers could significantly increase rice yield, of which, treatments of 150 kg/hm2 water soluble silicon and slag silicon exerted more significant effect on rice yield than the control (no silicon fertilizer) and the yield of the two treatments increased by 64.53% and 23.49%, respectively, but rice yield did not increase with the application of increasing amount of silicon fertilizers. The field experiment results showed that the yield of 6 rice cultivars significantly increased as steel slag silicon fertilizer was applied, of which, ‘Su Xiu 867’ appeared to be the most sensitive to silicon fertilizer, its yield increased by 40.77% compared with the control, and it was a rice cultivar with high silicon uptake efficiency and accumulation. As the paddy field in mountainous area of southern Anhui Province was concerned, the optimum application amount of silicon fertilizer and the selection of cultivars with high silicon uptake could effectively improve the rice yield and obtain high economic benefits.

Key words

water-soluble silicon fertilizer; slag silicon fertilizer; rice yield; rice cultivars; paddy soil

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Sun Xing,Zhu Keya,Liu Qin,Cao Zhihong,Cai Xianjie,Cheng Sen,Zhang Weiefeng and Sun Ping. Effect of Silicon Fertilizer Application on Paddy Soil in Mountainous Areaof Southern Anhui Province. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(6): 6-10 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090003


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