Analysis of Wind Disaster and Its Hazard Regionalization in Hebei Province

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1) : 183-187. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15070071

Analysis of Wind Disaster and Its Hazard Regionalization in Hebei Province

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To analyze the wind disaster characteristics and hazard regionalization in Hebei Province, temporalspatial variation of gale frequency, wind disaster degree and risk assessment were studied based on the data from statistical yearbook, wind disaster database and wind speed data from weather stations of Hebei Province in 1983- 2011. The results showed that: there were 2 centers of wind geographic distribution in Hebei Province, which were located in Zhangjiakou Area in northern Hebei Plateau and in Cangzhou Area in coastal areas. The gale had the highest frequency in spring; wind disaster events happened in various regions of Hebei Province, but in light degree, which should be in the charge of county supervision institutions. Using wind disaster risk assessment model with the combination of disaster-inducing factors and hazard bearing body, it showed that there were 14 very severe wind risk areas in Hebei Province. In conclusion, more parameters of the hazard affected body should be added to the risk evaluation or the weight of the affected body ration should be increased.

Key words

wind disaster; disaster degree; disaster-inducing factor; hazard-bearing body; risk degree

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Analysis of Wind Disaster and Its Hazard Regionalization in Hebei Province. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(1): 183-187


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