To improve the north fruit freezing frost management level , a monitoring and alarm system was designed and realized based on IOT architecture. Based on the real-time data of the fruit tree environment, together with the research and expert knowledge for years, remote environment information browsing and fruit frost intelligent diagnosis service was provided for the users. To meet the needs under different production conditions, automatic alarm was provided according to user’s demand. To achieve the goal ofgetting information whenever and wherever, a multiple function platform was developed to provide various applications for users of PC terminal, mobile terminal(such as smart mobile phones, pad computers) based on a variety of network technologies, such as Internet, Android mobile internet,etc. With integration of remote real-time monitoring, data acquisition, network transmission, data analysis and alarm warning functions, the system has realized the comprehensive remote monitoring management for the fruit tree growth and effectively improved the management level of fruit freezing frost.
Key words
fruit frost damage; remote monitoring; internet of things (IOT); monitoring and early warning; mobile applications
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