Research on the Original Plants of“Fragrant-Flowered Garlic”and Its Corresponding Plants

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1) : 47-51. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15050145

Research on the Original Plants of“Fragrant-Flowered Garlic”and Its Corresponding Plants

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In order to make clear the scientific name and the taxonomic features of“fragrant-flowered garlic” and the related plants in the Chinese traditional culture, the historical literatures were settled and the names and features of the plant“fragrant-flowered garlic”and the related plants recorded in the different periods of history were gathered. Methods of plant taxonomic and comparative morphology were used in studying “fragrant-flowered garlic”and those plants related to it. The results showed that Allium tuberosum Rottl. was the scientific name for the original plant of“fragrant-flowered garlic”. At the same time, sixteen names were found in the literatures, four scientific names were made clear for the plants related to“fragrant-flowered garlic”. The research on the plant names related to“fragrant-flowered garlic”was an example of case analysis with an up-to-date method on“fragrant-flowered garlic”recorded in the historical documents. The result showed that the function of“fragrant-flowered garlic”included sacrifice supplies and botanical ingredients. The two functions were confirmed 2000 years ago by the ancient Chinese. The botanical basis of the two functions was the phenological features and the nutrient elements in the plants of“fragrant-flowered garlic”.

Key words

fragrant-flowered garlic; original plants; comparative morphology; plant taxonomy

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Research on the Original Plants of“Fragrant-Flowered Garlic”and Its Corresponding Plants. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(1): 47-51


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