In order to improve the production performance of lamb in alpine pastoral region, the trail introduced Ola Tibetan sheep, Bond, Gansu Alpine Merino as sire to cross the local alpine merino and the local Tibetan sheep. The result showed that the birth weight of Ola (♂)×Tibetan sheep (♀) was 4.63 kg, which was significantly higher than other crossbreed lambs (P<0.05); the body weight of Bond (♂) ×Tibetan sheep (♀)from 1 to 5 months were higher than others, and the daily body weight gain (0.19kg/d) was significantly higher than others (P<0.05). There were no difference in the chest wide, chest girth, circumference of cannon bone, rump width and length among different hybridized lambs (P>0.05). The dressing percentage of Ola (♂)×local alpine merino (♀) was 46.29%, the highest one in all crossbreeds. The loin eye area and GR value of Ola (♂)×local Tibetan sheep (♀) were higher than others, but did not reach significant difference (P<0.05). The viscera weight of crossbreed Tibetan sheep was higher than Gansu alpine merino. The ratio of holding water, cooked meat percentage, tenderness of Ola (♂)×local Tibetan sheep (♀) were 38.70%, 64.40%, 71.18 N, respectively , which were higher than others. The pH of the purebred local Tibetan lamb was 7.1, which was the highest value in crossbreed lambs. The assessment of meat color, marbled meats, mutton odor was same among different hybridized lambs. Considering production in practice, the crossbreed of Bond (♂)×local Tibetan sheep (♀)has potential value for the lamb production because of quick growth and the highest birth body weight.
Key words
Gansu alpine merino; Tibetan sheep; hybrid; production performance
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