In order to explore the effects of drought stress on growth of sesame in Northwest region and provide parents of drought-resistant varieties, the study selected the Institute of Industrial Crops, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences as a test point and 14 drought varieties provided by Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences as test materials, to conduct a drought stress treatment in the growth stage of sesame. The author analyzed growth period, emergence rate, survival rate, height, number of leaves, biological yield and economic yield. The results showed that under drought stress conditions, Jin Zhi 1 and Jin Zhi 2 had a long reproductive cycle about fifty-nine days, high seedling survival rate about 96.6%-100% and
high height of 179.1 cm and 149.16 cm, respectively. Jin Zhi 1 and Jin Zhi 2 had more leaves which were 78.3 and 74.8, respectively, high biomass yield with fresh weight of 8.23 g and 7.61 g and dry weight of 7.54g and 6.82g, and high economic output which were 80.0g and 127.50 g. Drought stress is not conducive to the growth of sesame, Jin Zhi 1 and Jin Zhi 2 had strong drought resistance among the tested materials, and could be used as improved varieties of drought parent materials and a core material of genetic research.
Key words
sesame; varieties; production
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