Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Rates on Dry Matter Accumulation, Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization of Spring Maize

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (27) : 208-212. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-0964

Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Rates on Dry Matter Accumulation, Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization of Spring Maize

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In order to study the suitable nitrogen application and the influence of dry matter accumulation and N absorption under different N application levels on spring maize, field experiment was conducted under different N application rates (N 0 kg/hm2, 120 kg/hm2, 240 kg/hm2 and 360 kg/hm2). The results showed that both the dynamic dry matter accumulation and N absorption of spring maize could be described by Logistic equation. N application rates could significantly influence both the maximum rates of dry matter accumulation and N absorption, and the order of different N application rates was N360>N240>N120>N0. The results also showed that maize yield increased with the increment of nitrogen application rate. When the nitrogen application rate was 360 kg/hm2, the maize yield reached the highest 10081.5 kg/hm2, but it had no significant difference with N240 and the nitrogen utilization efficiency was 15.5% lower than that of N240. Considering the maize yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency under the experimental conditions, N application rate of 240 kg/hm2 was identified to be the optimum amount.

Key words

N application rates; spring maize; dry matte accumulation; nitrogen absorption and utilization

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Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Rates on Dry Matter Accumulation, Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization of Spring Maize. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(27): 208-212 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-0964


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