Comprehensive Effect Evaluation of Irrigation Volume on the Water Use Efficiency and Fruit Quality of Zizyphus jujuba‘Junzao’by Subordinate Function

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (28) : 204-209. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-0944

Comprehensive Effect Evaluation of Irrigation Volume on the Water Use Efficiency and Fruit Quality of Zizyphus jujuba‘Junzao’by Subordinate Function

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The paper aims to study the effect of irrigation volume on water use efficiency and fruit quality of Zizyphus jujuba‘Junzao’under drip irrigation. Analyzing water consumption of the 7 years old Zizyphus jujuba ‘Junzao’under different irrigation volume, the author discussed effect of different irrigation volume on fruit character, yield and quality by drip irrigation, and determined low limit of soil moisture content which was suitable for Zizyphus jujuba‘Junzao’growing in typical arid desert area. The result indicated: (1) the production efficiency and water use efficiency of irrigation reached the highest when the soil moisture content was about 65% of the field water holding capacity; (2) the highest yield could be obtained when the low limit of soil moisture content controlled as 55% of the field water holding capacity; (3) within certain range, the less the irrigation volume, the higher the soluble sugar content and the fruit quality level; (4) comprehensive evaluation of the effect indexs of correlation on irrigation volume by subordinate function showed that, when the soil moisture content was controlled at about 65% of the field water holding capacity, water demand in the growth and development of Zizyphus jujuba‘Junzao’could be ensured, and maximum production efficiency of irrigation and the best quality of fruit could be achieved in arid desert area.

Key words

irrigation volume; Zizyphus jujuba‘Junzao’; water use efficiency; fruit quality; subordinate function

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Comprehensive Effect Evaluation of Irrigation Volume on the Water Use Efficiency and Fruit Quality of Zizyphus jujuba‘Junzao’by Subordinate Function. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(28): 204-209


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