Response of tobacco δ13C value and carbon-nitrogen metabolism to increased UV-B radiation

Jinhan Yang,Zongyu Chen, and

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (31) : 64-70. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-0682

Response of tobacco δ13C value and carbon-nitrogen metabolism to increased UV-B radiation

  • Jinhan Yang,Zongyu Chen, and
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The paper aims to study the effect of enhanced UV- B radiation on δ13C value, carbon- nitrogen metabolism and chemical composition of tobacco leaf. Flue-cured tobacco variety‘K326’was taken as test material for enhanced UV-B radiation in field experiment in Zhaowei experimental base of Hongta District, Yuxi Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The results showed that 13 leaf position had a range of δ13C values of -26.77‰~-25.16‰under different treatments and 16 leaf position had a range of δ13C values of -26.00‰~ -24.99‰. In the natural environment, the measured value of UV-B radiation and the changed trend value of δ13C results indicated that the tobacco δ13C values decreased with UV-B radiation enhancing. Except the total carbon content of T1 reduced obviously, the rest of the total carbon content changed little. Total nitrogen content increased with ultraviolet radiation, especially obvious in T2. The UV-B radiation and total nitrogen content were significantly positive correlated (P<0.05), and the UV-B radiation and carbon-nitrogen ratio had significant negative correlation (P<0.05). The chemical compositions of the two leaf positions were scored as T2>T1>T3>CK, and T2 had the best chemical composition coordination in the overall evaluation. Correlation analysis result showed that UV-B radiation was positively correlated with nicotine, total nitrogen and potassium, while negatively correlated with the total sugar, reduced sugar and chlorine, and had significantly negative correlation with reduced sugar (P<0.05).

Key words

tobacco; UV-B radiation; δ13C; carbon-nitrogen metabolism; chemical composition

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Jinhan Yang,Zongyu Chen, and. Response of tobacco δ13C value and carbon-nitrogen metabolism to increased UV-B radiation. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(31): 64-70


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