In the hot summer season, the authors selected five typical parks in Yongchuan District, Chongqing, and five different types of green space as observation points within each park, including tree-shrub-grass, and tree-shrub, tree-grass, shrubs and lawns, to study the regulation effects of heat island of these different types of green space. The results showed that: the cooling, humidifying effects of woodland with trees were significantly higher than that with low shrubs and lawns. The cooling and humidifying degree of each different configuration modes had positive correlation to coverage, basal area of trees and plants TGB. Green space configuration should focus on full use of limited green space, complex configuration mode as tree-shrub-grass and tree-shrub should be considered to maximize the ecological benefits of greening, so as to improve urban thermal environment.
Key words
parks; coverage; tree basal area; green biomass; urban heat island effect; Chongqing
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