In order to understand the climate suitability of banana under the background of climate change in Hainan island, the 1981-2010 and 1971-2000 climatic observation data from 18 meteorological stations were analyzed, including annual mean temperature, annually extremely lowest temperature, lowest mean temperature in January, ≥10℃ active accumulated temperature and annual sunshine hours. Based on the comparative analysis, the author drew the special changing maps of climate suitability. The results showed that annual mean temperature in Hainan island increased by 0.3℃ for the latest 30 years, annually extremely lowest temperature increased by 1.2℃, lowest mean temperature in January increased by 0.3℃, ≥10℃ active accumulated temperature increased by 108.2℃?d, annual sunshine hours meanly decreased by 59.8 h except for an increasing in middle area. The unsuitable planting regions for banana reduced by 6.2%, less suitable planting regions increased by 10.2%, and suitable planting regions reduced by 4%. The changes were especially obvious in northern and central mountainous part. The results could be as theoretical foundation for rational distribution of banana planting to improve yield and quality, as well as providing decision support to adapt the climate change in banana planting.
Key words
banana; climate change; climate suitability
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