Studies on the Intraspecific Cross-Compatibility of Asiatic Hybrid Lily Cultivars

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (13) : 173-177. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-0225

Studies on the Intraspecific Cross-Compatibility of Asiatic Hybrid Lily Cultivars

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In order to promote China's rapid of development of lily breeding and cultivate good character breed. 7Asiatic hybrid lily cultivars ‘Loreto’, ‘Apricot pixels’, ‘Lollypop’, ‘Tinos’, ‘Navona’, ‘Landini’, ‘Vemneer’ from abroad were used to test pollen viability, stigma receptivity and cross-compatibility. The results showed that the pollen viability of 5 Asiatic hybrid Lily cultivars ‘Lollypop’, ‘Loreto’, ‘Tinos’, ‘Apricot pixels’, ‘Vemneer’ were available as the male parent material. Stigma receptivity of 5 Asiatic hybrid Lily cultivars ‘Landini’, ‘Loreto’, ‘Navona’, ‘Tinos’, ‘Vemneer’ were all best, and increased from bud stage to florescence. Among the 8 crossing types of intraspecific crosses,‘Lollypop’× ‘Apricot pixels’ and ‘Loreto’× ‘Lollypop’ had low seed setting rate. ‘Apricot pixels’× ‘Loreto’, ‘Tinos’× ‘Apricot pixel’, ‘Vemneer’× ‘Tinos’, ‘Navona’× ‘Tinos’ had high seed setting rate. ‘Tinos’× ‘Vemneer’ and ‘Landini’× ‘Vemneer’ had not offspring.

Key words

Asiatic hybrid lily cultivars; pollen viability; stigma receptivity; cross- compati- bility; intraspecific cross; seed setting rate

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Studies on the Intraspecific Cross-Compatibility of Asiatic Hybrid Lily Cultivars. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(13): 173-177


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