Study on the Potato’ s Blossom and Yield in North Sichuan Mountain Area

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (24) : 270-276. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-0134

Study on the Potato’ s Blossom and Yield in North Sichuan Mountain Area

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In order to study the relationship between the blossom and yield of potato under the special geographical condition of north Sichuan mountain, completely random test of 122 potato materials in north Sichuan mountain area, showed the blossom rate significantly positive correlation with the tuber weight of single plant and the production per hectare. We think, due to the difference of geographical latitude, this might be related to the special potato growth period of north Sichuan, around the summer solstice, the sunshine time changes from short to long (blossom induction signal) returned to from long to short (tuber inducing signal), resulted tuberization and blossom light induced signals were both formed in a short period of time; but also might be related to the convergence of the blossom and tuberization photoperiod induced reaction mechanism, the same light cycle signal causes the both induction signal factors of tuberization and blossom at the same time. Clustering analysis showed that, 122 potato materials could be divided into 5 categories.

Key words

north Sichuan mountain area; potato; blossom; yield; study

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Study on the Potato’ s Blossom and Yield in North Sichuan Mountain Area. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(24): 270-276


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