Planting Area Extraction of A Crop Key Growth Period in Wudi County Based on HJ Satellite Data

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (26) : 284-290. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-3313

Planting Area Extraction of A Crop Key Growth Period in Wudi County Based on HJ Satellite Data

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To explore the feasibility of quickly extracting planting area using HJ satellite CCD data acquired at the main crop key growth periods, a quick and easy crop planting area extraction method was presented. The author took Wudi County of Shandong Province as a study area, 3 HJ remote sensing images acquired at the main crop key growth periods were selected based on the main crop cultivation technique calendar. Through the EVI time-series data analysis and regions of interesting (ROI) creations, the support vector machine (SVM) was used for extracting the main crop planting area. The results showed that: the EVI data of the crop key growth periods in combination with the SVM method could more accurately estimate the winter wheat, corn and cotton planting area of Wudi County, and overall accuracy of total planting area extraction and spatial distribution location was more than 93% and 75% respectively. Through using the remote sensing data acquired at a crop key growth period, time and labor for remote sensing data processing was reduced greatly, and it was easy to visualize the choice of ROI. Only used SVM could guarantee the regional crop planting area extraction accuracy, which greatly simplified the operation process and provided a reference for other regions to use HJ satellite data to extract crop planting area.

Key words

planting area; HJ satellite; Wudi County; enhancement vegetation index (EVI)

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Planting Area Extraction of A Crop Key Growth Period in Wudi County Based on HJ Satellite Data. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(26): 284-290


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