Effects of Thiamethoxam Seed Treatments on Chloethrips oryzae and Seedling Growth of Rice

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (16) : 299-305. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-3304

Effects of Thiamethoxam Seed Treatments on Chloethrips oryzae and Seedling Growth of Rice

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To solve the labor- intensive problem during traditional pesticide application, a scientific and reasonable application technology of thiamethoxam seed coating formulation was studied. Field plot experiments were conducted to investigate effects of thiamethoxam seed treatments on the rice thrips, Chloethrips oryzae (Williams) and seedling growth of rice in 2010- 2012. The results showed that high cold tolerance of rice could be achieved, when different formulations of thiamethoxam, such as 70% WS and 30% FS were coated for pre-soaked or post-soaked of rice seeds in water. As the same time, simulation roles for emergence rate, seedling rate and seedling growth of rice were observed using above insecticide. Furthermore, perfect control on C. oryzae could be achieved by 25 g/L fludioxonil FS plus 30% thiamethoxam FS; the leaftip rolling rate was 2.00%-24.77% and significantly lower than that of untreated, which was 41.33%-88.87%, at 23-30 days after rice direct-seeded.

Key words

thiamethoxam; seed treatment; rice; Chloethrips oryzae (Williams); seedling quality; cold tolerance; vigor effect

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Effects of Thiamethoxam Seed Treatments on Chloethrips oryzae and Seedling Growth of Rice. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(16): 299-305 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-3304


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