Effect of Tillage and Varieties of Lodging Resistance and High Yield of Winter Flax in Paddyfield of Dongting Lake

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (21) : 129-135. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-3234

Effect of Tillage and Varieties of Lodging Resistance and High Yield of Winter Flax in Paddyfield of Dongting Lake

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To explore the ecological adaptability of different varieties of flax in the southern, improve flax production, quality and economic benefit, this study did relevance analysis and cluster analysis on original stem yield, seed yield, lodging rate and about eight related properties of seven flax and two farming methods. The results showed that the original stem yield of no- till treatment compared to rotary tillage increased by 9.45% and seed production by 0.37% , the yield of‘jin ya 10’was the highest, the original stem yield up 5285.98 kg/hm2 and seed yield reached 402.7 kg/hm2,‘lun xuan 2’production ranked the second, the original stem yield and seed yield were 5225.95 kg/hm2 and 375.19 kg/hm2,‘Jin ya 10’and‘Lun xuan 2’had a strong ability of lodging resistance, 5 level of lodging rate was 0. Thus, Dongting Lake could choose the resistant variety was stronger‘Jin ya 10’and‘Lun xuan 2’, and the use of no tillage measures could reduce the production cost and improve the economic benefit.

Key words

rotary tillage; no tillage; flax; original stem; seed yield

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Effect of Tillage and Varieties of Lodging Resistance and High Yield of Winter Flax in Paddyfield of Dongting Lake. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(21): 129-135 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-3234


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