In order to research a variety of remote sensing monitoring of soil moisture model under different vegetation coverage, improve the feasibility and accuracy of large area soil moisture monitoring by remote sensing. The author used the 52 meteorological stations in Liaoning Province from 2008 to 2010, the soil relative humidity artificial observation data and the corresponding period of satellite remote sensing data, remote sensing monitoring soil moisture using the thermal inertia index, energy, water and vegetation index, remote sensing model at low, medium, high vegetation cover conditions in contrast to the three quantitative retrieval of soil moisture, and the establishment of linear, exponential, logarithmic and artificial observation data. The results showed that: in the low vegetation coverage period, thermal inertia method was most suitable for soil 0-20 cm, and the average relative humidity for the best; high vegetation coverage period, energy index method was slightly better than water vegetation index method, and the average soil moisture 0-10 cm logarithmic correlation best.
Key words
soil moisture; ATI; EII; VSWI
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