The Relationships Between Flag Leaf Angles of Various Rice Germplasms and Their Nitrogen Nutrition Efficiencies

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (18) : 29-34. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2826

The Relationships Between Flag Leaf Angles of Various Rice Germplasms and Their Nitrogen Nutrition Efficiencies

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Flag leaf angleofrice was important component of the ideal rice architecture, and the important affecting factor of gaining rice yield. The relationships between flag leaf angles of variouss rice germplasms and their nitrogen nutrition efficiencies were studied to provide the theoretical foundations and technological approaches for establishing ideal rice architecture and improving nitrogen nutrition efficiencies. In this study, nine typical rice germplasms bred in different years were used as the experimental materials in pot experiments and grown under low nitrogen (0 kg/hm2 urea), medium nitrogen (240 kg/hm2 urea) and high nitrogen (480 kg/hm2 urea) levels. During mature stage, flag leaf angle, nitrogen contents of each organ in rice germplasms and soil were determined to analyze the correlations and fit function on the flag leaf angle and their nitrogen nutrition efficiencies including nitrogen utilization efficiency(NUE), nitrogen recovery efficiency (NAE), nitrogen translocation efficiency(NTE), nitrogen productivity of soil(NPS), nitrogen productivity of plant (NPP), nitrogen flow efficiency (NFE), nitrogen harvest index(NHI). The results showed that flag leaf angles and nitrogen nutrition efficiencies of various rice germplasms existed significant genotypic differences, which varied with different nitrogen levels. Flag leaf angles increased rapidly with the increasing of nitrogen, their genotypic differences among various rice germplasms under low nitrogen were obviously lower than those under medium and high nitrogen. The correlations between flag leaf angle and NUE, NPS, NPP or NHI were significantly negative, their descending deceased with logarithm function and the order of NPP>NHI>NUE>NPS; and the correlations between flag leaf angle and NAE, NTE and NFE were not significantly negative,but the correlations among nitrogen nutrition efficiencies were markedly significantly negative or positive. So, nitrogen nutrition efficiencies of rice were predicted according to flag leaf angle inpractice, which provided the basis for regulating nitrogen application in real-time to accomplish high nitrogen utilization.

Key words

rice; flag leaf angle; nitrogen nutrition efficiency

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The Relationships Between Flag Leaf Angles of Various Rice Germplasms and Their Nitrogen Nutrition Efficiencies. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(18): 29-34


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