The aim was to study the main industry effect the double of the per capita net income of farmers economic. The relation between six industry net income per capita income of farmers including grain, animal husbandry, flue-cured tobacco, walnut, long-term labor expot, seasonal labor export and the net income of farmers per capita in the Wazitian Village of Baoshan, Yunnan was studied by means of the effect main industry doubled net income of farmers per capita economic and the grey correlation analysis. The correlation degree of six industry and the net income of farmers per capita economic was long-term labor export>seasonal labor export>walnut>grain>animal husbandry>flue- cured tobacco. The pillar industry affecting the net income of farmers per capita economic was long-term labor export, seasonal labor export and walnut. The study provided the scionce theoretical basis and method of support for net income per capita economic multiplier of farmers in baoshan yunnan province and even a similar low latitude mountain plateau.
Key words
grey correlation analysis; economy net income; formers; industrial structure; mountain area
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