Studies on Inducement of Sorghum Seeds by Diethyl Sulfate

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (18) : 189-192. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2714

Studies on Inducement of Sorghum Seeds by Diethyl Sulfate

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This paper studied the effects of different DES concentration and different soaking time on sorghum seeds of different genotypes for the purpose of detecting DES mutagenic effects the experimental results of the same genotype, the same soaking time and the different DES concentration showed that the suitable concentration of DES treating seeds was 0.3%-0.35%, 0.5% were lethal concentration. The experimental results of the same genotype, the same DES concentration and the different soaking time showed that the optimal soaking time of DES was 10-14 h. The experimental results of the same soaking time, the same DES concentration and the different genotypes showed that the sensitive degree of different genotype to DES was different and their lethal concentration and semi-lethal concentration are different. Although different genotypes have different sensitive degree to DES, but the appropriate DES concentrations for the majority of sorghum materials range from 0.3%-0.35%.

Key words

sorghum; chemical mutagenesis; DES

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Studies on Inducement of Sorghum Seeds by Diethyl Sulfate. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(18): 189-192


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