Analysis of Agricultrual Waterlogging Vulnerability in Jianghan Plain——A Case of Xiantao City

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (23) : 237-243. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2681

Analysis of Agricultrual Waterlogging Vulnerability in Jianghan Plain——A Case of Xiantao City

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In order to assess the agricultural waterlogging vulnerability of Jianghan Plain, the research area, Xiantao City was selected. 5 factors, cultivated land rate, topography index, drainage capacity, soil seepage density and rescuing ability were presented to define waterlogging vulnerability. Based on these factors the framework for assessing agricultural waterlogging vulnerability was created and agricultural waterlogging vulnerability was evaluated in the 400 m×400 m grid of Xiantao City. The results showed: the crop in Xiantao City was affected seriously by waterlogging disaster. The four categories as light, moderate, high and extreme vulnerability region account 18.7%, 34.0%, 33.2%, 14.1% of the study areas respectively. The serious and extreme vulnerability regions mainly distributed in the southeast and southwest, and they were like ‘V’ shape, while most of the light and moderate vulnerability regions in the middle and north of study area.

Key words

Jianghan Plain; waterlogging; vulnerability; Xianyao City

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Analysis of Agricultrual Waterlogging Vulnerability in Jianghan Plain——A Case of Xiantao City. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(23): 237-243


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