Residual Dynamics and safety assessment of Dimethoate in Bananas & the Orchard Soil

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (13) : 157-160. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2674

Residual Dynamics and safety assessment of Dimethoate in Bananas & the Orchard Soil

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In order to apply dimethoate scientifically and safely in bananas, the residue dynamics of dimethoate in bananas and the soil was studied. Using the methods of GC and field experiments, dimethoate residue were detected according to GB/T 5009.20-2003 and GB/T 14552-2003. The results showed that there was a certain amount of initial dimethoate residue in the bananas. The residual degradation dynamics of dimethoate could be followed first order kinetic equation, which the equation of dimethoate residual dynamics of recommended and double dosage were C=1.4009·e-0.2404t and C=2.2820·e-0.2369t, with T1/2 were 2.9 d and 3.0 d respectively. The equation of dimethoate residual dynamics in the soil was C=4.5025·e-0.2348t, with T1/2 was 3.0 d. The final products residue in the bananas and the orchard soil had not been detected (detection limit of 0.005 mg/kg) after the second application for 62-66 d. Scientifically and rationally use of dimethoate in Fujian, the final product quality could accord with the maximum residue limit (MRL) established in NY/T 750- 2011, and eventually not cause pollution of soil environment.

Key words

banana; soil; dimethoate; residue; degradation dynamics; safety assessments

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Residual Dynamics and safety assessment of Dimethoate in Bananas & the Orchard Soil. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(13): 157-160


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