Study on the Law Governing the Growth and Development of White Goat in Nothern Shaanxi of Different Feeding Pattern

BI Tai-Fei BI Tai-Fei

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (20) : 1-5. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2554

Study on the Law Governing the Growth and Development of White Goat in Nothern Shaanxi of Different Feeding Pattern

  • BI Tai-Fei BI Tai-Fei
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This paper uses a method of different feeding and management group comparison, investigates, counts 2009 completely grazing goat, 2010 half of grazing goat and 2011, 2012 in different supplementary feeding flocks of goat cashmere yield, cashmere length, body weight, length of body, chest circumference, circumference and other growth parameters, comparing in different feeding mothdes in 2012 completely stallfed goat weight was (33.80±5.15) kg, length of body is (76.92±3.57) cm, chest circumference (81.34±4.37) cm, circumference is (7.71±0.26) cm. All higher than other feeding methodes (P<0.01); half of grazing goat cashmere yield was (549.93±143.15) kg, cashmere length was (5.40±0.92) cm are higher than other feeding mothdes (P<0.01); stall- fed goat meat production performance higher than the other feeding meat performance conditions. It may be stall-fed goat lack of exercise, less energy consumption. Semi-feeding half grazing goat cashmere performance higher than other methods of grazing goat may be enough exercise, a good mental state, nutritional adequacy. In the same kind of feeding way 2012 ram concentrate supplement increased by 0.25 kg than in 2011, results in 2012, weight was (33.80±5.15) kg, 2.99 kg heavier than 2011. An annual cashmere yiele of 2012 is (470.41±167.74) kg. An annual cashmere yiele of 2011 is (520.73±167.96) kg (P<0.01); In the nutrition level to above maintenance requirement, improve the nutrition level had no effect on performance of cashmere.

Key words

Shanbei White Cashmere Goat; production performance of different feeding manners; productivity; supplementary feeding

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BI Tai-Fei BI Tai-Fei. Study on the Law Governing the Growth and Development of White Goat in Nothern Shaanxi of Different Feeding Pattern. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(20): 1-5


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