In order to improve the processing efficiency of cow manure, composting test used cow manure as basic raw material. The dynamic variation rule of each parameter in the mixed system which contained chicken manure, pig manure, biogas residue, humus and cow manure was discussed. By the analysis of parameters, the effects of chicken manure, pig manure, biogas residue, and humus on cow manure composting process were explored .The results showed that: the effects of cow manure and chicken manure, pig manure on the processing efficiency of cow manure were superior to the other treatments. The temperature of the compost was increased rapidly at the temperature-rise period by cow manure and chicken manure and pig manure, and the high temperature phase could last long, while the low temperature phase was short. In addition, the humic acid, total nitrogen content of the two treatments was higher than the other treatments. Therefore, the two treatments could meet the standard of organic fertilizer.
Key words
cow dung; composting; conditioner
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