Analysis of Nutritional Components of Stichophthalma howqua

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9) : 307-310. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-1755

Analysis of Nutritional Components of Stichophthalma howqua

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The aims were to explore the main nutritional ingredients of the Stichophthalma howqua, and provide a theoretical basis for the edible development of S. howqua. The contents of fat, protein, mineral elements and amino acids of S. howqua were determined by using the national standard methods. The amino acid score, chemical score and essential amino acid index were analyzed. The contents of protein, fat and mineral element of S. howqua were compared with nutrition contents of common foods. The results showed that S. howqua had rich protein, low fat and was abundant in content of mineral elements. It contained 73.0% of protein and 3.94% of fat. The total amino acid content was 622.5 mg/gDW, which included 39.5% of the essential amino acids. The ratio of essential amino acids and nonessential amino acids was 0.65. The essential amino acid contents of S. howqua were balanced. The content of sulfur-containing amino acids (Threonine) which was the first limiting amino acid was 35.1 mg/g protein. Nutritional analysis showed that S. howqua was a kind of higher nutritional value insects and had the important economic value and broad market prospect.

Key words

Stichophthalma howqua; nutritional components; amino acid; mineral

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Analysis of Nutritional Components of Stichophthalma howqua. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(9): 307-310


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