In order to in-depth understand the cultivated land use benefit and coordination, utilize cultivated land scientifically and efficiently in Tai’an City, the cultivated land in Tai’an was taken as the research object. The evaluation index system of cultivated land use efficiency was constructed from the economic, social and ecological aspect. On this basis, based on the data from 2000 to 2009, Delphi method and the variation coefficient method were used to determine various index weight and comprehensive evaluation values of cultivated land use of Tai’an. Coordination degree model was utilized to quantitative analyze the system coordination. Finally, combining with the evaluation results and characteristics of arable land use, appropriate countermeasures were put forward to promote the improvement of arable land use efficiency. The results showed that: from 2000 to 2009, economic benefits of cultivated land use took on the state of fall-rise-fall; social benefits occurred minor fluctuation in the first 3 years, the later had been steadily rising; ecological benefits were unstable, overall numerical lower downward, the overall took on the state of fall-rise-fall three stages; comprehensive benefits and social benefits had the same curve; system coordination degree was also in a constant state of fluctuation, and the trend was not the same as the overall efficiency curve, overall coordination level was not high. Based on the above analysis, the author put forward the cultivated land use efficiency measures to improve the cultivated land use efficiency of Tai’an: people should strengthen agriculture finance and scientific research investment, improve the rural labor quality, strengthen agriculture oil-field infrastructure construction, strengthen farmland protection, eventually improve cultivated land use efficiency.
Key words
Tai’ an City; cultivated land use benefit; coordination
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