The aim was to get the firsthand information of the occurring of diseases and pests, the damaging status and pesticides application on ginseng at ginseng main producing areas in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang Province of China. Investigation was carried out by questionnaires, scientific and technical training, and direct inquiry to individual ginseng planters, managers of ginseng planting cooperation, and professionals of agriculture etc. Ginseng farmers generally regard that spring and summer were the high seasons of diseases and pests. However, farmers paid not enough attention to autumn, especially the period between later autumn and early winter, and which was the critical period to prevent and kill overwintering pests and pathogens. Diseases prevailing at ginseng main producing areas of China were ginseng black spot, ginseng sclerotinia, ginseng erythrodermic, ginseng root rot diseases, etc., and the pesticide used was mainly mancozeb. Pests prevailed were mainly elateridae and cutworm, and the pesticide used was mainly phoxim. Unscientific and nonstandard use of pesticides would probably enhance the resistance of pests and pathogens to pesticides, and which would influence the further control of pathogens and pests effectively. Through the investigation, occurrence and damaging status of pests and diseases prevailing in P. ginseng, and also pesticides applied in the field were well known, and which provided valuable reference for further research.
Key words
Panax ginseng; pest and diseases; pesticide application; investigation
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