Contents Comparison and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Soil of Guizhou Major Tea Garden

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4) : 210-214. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-1559

Contents Comparison and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Soil of Guizhou Major Tea Garden

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In order to identify pollution status of heavy metals in tea garden soil in Guizhou, to ascertain soil heavy metal pollution of tea garden in Guizhou, protect the quality and safety of tea. Soil samples were collected in Yunwu, Duyun and Meitan tea producing areas in Guizhou Province, and the contents of heavy metals Cr, Cu, As, Cd and Zn were analyzed. Single factor pollution index and pollution load index were evaluated as the based on the tea gardens soil environmental quality standards of NY 5020-2001 Green Food Tea Producing Environmental Conditions. The results showed good soil quality of tea gardens in Guizhou. The PLIzone of Yunwu, Duyun, Meitan were less than 1, the order of pollution load index was Meitan>Yunwu> Duyun. Contents of Cr, Cu, As, Cd in 3 tea producing areas soils were all below the limited values of pollution-free tea garden soil, but Zn exceeded the limited values in part of Meitan tea area. Cu and As had highly significant negative correlation in three tea gardens soil, Cd and Cr were highly significant between the positive correlation, which indicated that Cd and Cr were homology.

Key words

Guizhou; tea garden; soil; heavy metal; evaluation

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Contents Comparison and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Soil of Guizhou Major Tea Garden. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(4): 210-214


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