The Study on the Method of Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation Based on the Perspective of Management of Resources and Environment

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (8) : 167-175. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-1021

The Study on the Method of Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation Based on the Perspective of Management of Resources and Environment

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The technology of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation is a transaction from traditional fertilization to scientific fertilization, which can not only decrease costs and increase benefits of agriculture, meeting farmers’ needs of rational fertilization and profit maximization, but also reduce agricultural non-point source pollution and greenhouse gas emissions greatly. The project of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation started from the year 2005 has achieved the historical leap from experimental unit to consolidation and then to further popularization. All regions carried out the project of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation in two routes of different districts and crops, preliminarily explored its application modes and driven the development of the industries of technology extension, formula fertilizer processing and sales service, increasing relevant talents demand. But the following factors weaken its efficiency: unsubstantial technology extension, narrow coverage and universal extensive fertilization. It’s necessary that it was needed to promote enterprise participation, establish soil testing and fertilizer recommendation index of horticultural crops, strengthen their popularization of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation and form efficient technical guidance and agrochemical service models in the future. The improvement of soil testing instruments, various formula fertilizers’ research and application and agrochemical service system will accelerate overall coverage of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation technology and mass production of formula fertilizers, replacing traditional high carbon agriculture with low-carbon agriculture gradually and pushing forward leap type development of agricultural transformation feasibly. Appropriate management means for resources and environment could be used to guide farmers to participate in carbon trading market voluntarily with the application of this technology, which provides a brand new approach for emission source of high margin costs in emission reduction to reduce emission, simultaneously bringing about double economic benefit to the people who use it. Hence, great contribution is made to the popularization of this technology and reduction in pollution and greenhouse gases emissions of Chinese agriculture.

Key words

soil testing and fertilizer recommendation; low carbon agriculture; scientific fertilization; agricultural sustainable development; agricultural technology extension

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The Study on the Method of Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation Based on the Perspective of Management of Resources and Environment. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(8): 167-175


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