The Advance of Physiological Mechanism of Nitrogen Assimilation-Transport and Utilization, and Genetic Basis of Low Nitrogen Tolerance in Rice

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3) : 1-9. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-0799

The Advance of Physiological Mechanism of Nitrogen Assimilation-Transport and Utilization, and Genetic Basis of Low Nitrogen Tolerance in Rice

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Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrients that are vital to rice growth and development. Also, it is one of the most in-demand mineral nutrient elements. In the process of rice growth, the applied amount of nitrogen per unit area and a low utilization rate has become the two biggest problems constraining its development. The aim was to provide a reference for further analysis of the molecular mechanisms of low nitrogen tolerance. This paper summarized the physiological mechanism of uptake, transport and utilization of nitrogen in rice and the characteristics of morphological and physiological in nitrogen efficiency rice, analyzed the recent progress of the genetic basis of low nitrogen tolerance, including QTL mapping and gene cloning of low nitrogen, transcriptome and proteome. The research about molecular mechanism response to nitrogen in rice was few. The relevant mechanism of uptake, transport and use of nitrogen was still a mystery. Based on this, research on genes/QTLs related to assimilation, transport and utilization of nitrogen and the genetic basis of low nitrogen tolerance was an effective way to develop low nitrogen tolerance varieties.

Key words

rice; assimilation; transport and utilization of nitrogen; physiological mechanism; low nitrogen tolerance; genetic basis

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The Advance of Physiological Mechanism of Nitrogen Assimilation-Transport and Utilization, and Genetic Basis of Low Nitrogen Tolerance in Rice. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(3): 1-9


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