Studying on the regional land use change within a certain period and its driving force factors were to judge the land resource utilization rationality, as well as the sustainable development of economic, especially to provide scientific basis for the development of the low carbon industry. The author made an interpretation about there phase Landsat ETM+image of Chongming island by remote sensing software ENVI 4.8, the characteristics and rate about land use change and the driving force factors were also analyzed. The main results showed as the follows: the Chongming island area increased accompanied by changing, each type was changing, in which the area of cultivated land and forest land decreased, among them, the forest land dropped most; the area of construction land, water and unused land showed an increasing trend, among them, the construction land gained the most. The rate of the land use change was continuously improved. The most important factor was social and economic factor, including agricultural and industrial development models, population growth. For the performance of the carbon source forms of land use area reduced, and performance for the increase of carbon.
Key words
RS; land use; driving force; Chongming Island; low carbon agriculture
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