The effects of fertilization and light intensity on the growth and competition of winter wheat weeds Geranium carolinianum and Vicia sativa

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4) : 275-282. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-0564

The effects of fertilization and light intensity on the growth and competition of winter wheat weeds Geranium carolinianum and Vicia sativa

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In order to study the effects of fertilization and light intensity on weeds in winter wheat field and effectively utilize fertilization modes comprehensive manage winter wheat field advantage weeds, pot experiments were carried out to study the effects of fertilization on seed germination of winter wheat weeds Geranium carolinianum and Vicia sativa, and the effects of fertilization on the growth and competition of the two weed species under different light intensities. The results showed that Geranium carolinianum seed germinated faster and had a higher rate of germination, and its germination started earlier, too. And in the processes of seed germination, Vicia sativa seed was more competitive than Geranium carolinianum seed. Different lighting conditions affected the role of fertilization on the growth of the two weed species. In the case of the two weed species competition, with the reduction of light intensity Geranium carolinianum showed a strong competitiveness for the nutrient elements at different growth stages. Above results showed that the relatively large competitiveness differences of nutrient elements of the two weeds in different growth stages and the nutrient elements competition change of different lighting conditions on the two weeds provided possibility for integrated weed preventing in agriculture by rational fertilization.

Key words

fertilization; light intensity; Geranium carolinianum; Vicia sativa; seed germination; competition

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The effects of fertilization and light intensity on the growth and competition of winter wheat weeds Geranium carolinianum and Vicia sativa. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(4): 275-282


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