Non-point Source Pollution Research in China and Aboard Based on Bibliometrics

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5) : 242-248. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-0528

Non-point Source Pollution Research in China and Aboard Based on Bibliometrics

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In order to get comprehensive understanding of the non-point source pollution research in China and aboard, using bibliometrics method, the characteristics including temporal distribution, regional distribution, subject distribution, subordinate organization distribution, and key words distribution of the literatures from science Citation Index Expanded were analyzed. The results showed that: the amount of the literatures on non-point source pollution increased dramatically since 1990s; non-point source pollution research was an interdisciplinary field; the United States was the country whose literatures were published and cited most, and the average citation rate of the literature published by USEPA was the highest, about 32.81 times/article; the Chinese academy of sciences published literatures most, but the literature citation rate was relatively low. The key words analysis by Endnote indicated that both China and the United States had same research topics on non-point source pollution, but China should give more attention to GIS and BMPs in the future research.

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文献计量学; 面源污染; 研究进展; 关键词

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Non-point Source Pollution Research in China and Aboard Based on Bibliometrics. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(5): 242-248


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