
崔向华, 周瑢, 徐桂真, 高德学, 唐雪辉, 张少泽, 梁俊超, 王林海

中国农学通报. 2023, 39(24): 43-49

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中国农学通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (24) : 43-49. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0998


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Sesame Quality Traits in Different Environments: Genetic Variation Study

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为了分析芝麻营养品质性状在不同生态环境下的变异特征,选用8个白芝麻品种,在全国13个试验点种植,应用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)和近红外光谱分析法(NIR)对其主要品质性状进行测定。结果表明,8个芝麻品种在13个试验点的平均含油率、油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸、芝麻素和芝麻林素含量分别为55.43%、38.88%、46.16%、8.63%、4.56 mg/g和2.70 mg/g。含油率随着纬度的升高先逐渐升高然后降低,在襄阳试验点的含油率最高,平均为57.50%,且显著高于其他试验点;伊犁试验点芝麻素、芝麻林素平均含量最高,分别为5.58 mg/g和3.60 mg/g,其他试验点的芝麻素和芝麻林素含量总体表现为由北向南先升高再降低。说明襄阳适宜种植高含油率芝麻,伊犁适宜种植芝麻素和芝麻林素含量高的芝麻。


To analyze the variations of sesame quality traits in different ecological environments, eight sesame varieties were planted in 13 experimental sites in China. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and near infrared spectrum (NIR) analysis were applied for quality evaluation. The results showed that the average contents of oil, oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, sesamin and sesamolin of the 8 sesames were 55.43%, 38.88%, 46.16%, 8.63%, 4.56 mg/g and 2.70 mg/g, respectively. The oil content gradually increased and then decreased with the increase of latitude. Xiangyang site had the highest oil content, with the average of 57.50%, and it was significantly higher than those in other experimental sites. The average contents of sesamin and sesamolin in Ili site were the highest with the average of 5.58 mg/g and 3.60 mg/g, respectively. The sesamin and sesamolin contents in other experimental sites firstly increased and then decreased from north to south. It suggested that Xiangyang site was more suitable for planting sesame with high oil content, while Ili site was suitable for cultivating sesame with high sesamin and sesamolin contents.


芝麻 / 品质性状 / 含油率 / 木脂素 / 生态环境

Key words

sesame / quality traits / oil content / lignan / ecological environment


崔向华 , 周瑢 , 徐桂真 , 高德学 , 唐雪辉 , 张少泽 , 梁俊超 , 王林海. 不同环境下芝麻品质性状的遗传变异分析. 中国农学通报. 2023, 39(24): 43-49 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0998
CUI Xianghua , ZHOU Rong , XU Guizhen , GAO Dexue , TANG Xuehui , ZHANG Shaoze , LIANG Junchao , WANG Linhai. Sesame Quality Traits in Different Environments: Genetic Variation Study. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(24): 43-49 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0998


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为了研究产地及籽粒外观对芝麻木酚素含量的影响,为芝麻品质遗传改良及高木酚素芝麻商品生产提供理论依据。从3 800余份芝麻种质资源中选取212份代表性资源,分别在4个不同生态区种植,测定各样品芝麻素和芝麻林素含量;探讨芝麻不同产地、千粒质量及种皮颜色与芝麻素和芝麻林素含量的关系。结果表明,芝麻素和芝麻林素各试点含量均值分别为3.52,3.61,3.11,2.43,1.94,1.93,1.78,1.62 mg/g;芝麻木酚素含量存在随纬度升高而增加的趋势;芝麻籽粒颜色L值与芝麻素含量极显著正相关(r=0.296 6, ɑ =0.01),与芝麻林素含量相关不显著;千粒质量与芝麻素含量极显著负相关(r=-0.260 3, ɑ =0.01),与芝麻林素含量极显著正相关(r=0.227 9, ɑ =0.01)。芝麻素和芝麻林素含量随产地纬度的升高而增加;随着种皮颜色变深,芝麻素含量逐渐降低;随着千粒质量增加,芝麻素含量逐渐降低,芝麻林素含量不断增加。
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Triacylglycerols (TAGs) constitute a highly efficient form of energy storage. In seeds of angiosperms, they can act as a reserve of carbon and energy allowing to fuel post-germinative seedling growth until photosynthesis becomes effective. They also constitute the economic value of seeds in many crops. In the past years, extensive tools allowing the molecular dissection of plant metabolism have been developed together with analytical and cytological procedures adapted for seed material. These tools have allowed gaining a comprehensive overview of the metabolic pathways leading to TAG synthesis. They have also unravelled factors limiting oil production such as metabolic bottlenecks and light or oxygen availability in seed tissues. Beyond these physiological aspects, accumulation of TAGs is developmentally regulated in seeds. The oil biosynthetic process is initiated at the onset of the maturation phase, once embryo morphogenesis is achieved. A wealth of recent studies has shed new lights on the intricate regulatory network controlling the seed maturation phase, including reserve deposition. This network involves a set of regulated transcription factors that crosstalk with physiological signaling. The knowledge thus acquired paves the way for the genetic engineering of oilseed crops dedicated to food applications or green chemistry.
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