
Breeding of ‘Yunshu 9801’: A New Edible Orange-fleshed Sweet Potato Variety with Early Maturity
旨在选育富含胡萝卜素的早熟鲜食型优质甘薯新品种。选用早熟、高产、广适品种‘龙薯9号’作母本,以‘晋甘薯9号’、‘济薯25’、‘红瑶’等18个国内外优良品种(系)混合花粉为父本,运用改良集团杂交法,经实生苗选种后,开展复选、品比和山西省区域试验,进行适应性和抗病性鉴定评价。选育出新品种‘运薯9801’,在省区试中,鲜薯平均产量48528.15 kg/hm2,较对照‘晋甘薯9号’增产13.18%;薯块干物率为25.5%,淀粉含量为19%,鲜薯胡萝卜素含量4.41 mg/100g,蒸煮香甜、口感佳,食味88.7分;抗薯瘟病,中抗黑斑病、蔓割病。‘运薯9801’为富含胡萝卜素的早熟鲜食型特色甘薯品种,优质、高产、适应性广,商品价值突出、适口性好。2020年通过国家非主要农作物品种登记。
The experiment aims at breeding a new sweet potato variety which is rich in carotene, early-maturity, fresh-eating and high-quality. The female parent, ‘Longshu 9’ with early maturity, high yield and wide adaptability, and the male parent, the mixed pollen from 18 domestic and foreign fine varieties including ‘Jinganshu 9’, ‘Jishu 25’, ‘Huangjinqianguan’ and so on, were selected for mass cross. After seeding and selecting the lines, a reselection test, a comparison test, and a regional test in Shanxi were conducted to evaluate the adaptability and the disease resistance identification. The new sweet potato ‘Yunshu 9801’ was bred. In provincial multi-location adaptability test, the average yield of fresh storage root was 48528.15 kg/hm2, which was 13.18% higher than that of the control variety ‘Jinganshu 9’. The dry matter and starch content of the root were 25.5% and 19%, respectively. The carotene content of fresh root was 4.41 mg/100g. The steamed root was sweet with good taste, which taste value was 88.7 scores. ‘Yunshu 9801’ was resistant to bacterial wilt, medium resistance to black rot and Fusarium bulbigenum. The special fresh-eating sweet potato variety ‘Yunshu 9801’ was characterized with high quality, high yield, wide adaptability, outstanding commodity value and good palatability, and conducive to promoting the production of sweet potato and improving the social and economic benefits of sweet potato cultivation. ‘Yunshu 9801’ was registered as a national non-major crop variety in 2020.
甘薯 / 运薯9801 / 品种选育 / 鲜食 / 胡萝卜素 / 早熟 {{custom_keyword}} /
sweet potato / Yunshu 9801 / variety breeding / fresh-eating / carotene / early maturity {{custom_keyword}} /
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甘薯是世界上重要的粮食、饲料及工业原料作物,中国是世界上最大的甘薯生产国。本文总结了中国甘薯产业和种业发展的历史、现状、成效及问题,分析了国内外甘薯产业和种业的发展趋势,提出中国甘薯产业和种业未来的发展目标和任务。目前中国甘薯产业稳步发展,种植面积趋于平稳,年种植面积稳定在4×10<sup>6</sup> hm<sup>2</sup>左右;单产稳步提高,已达到世界平均水平的1.96倍;产业实现了从量到质的转型升级,鲜食市场供应比例不断提高,甘薯逐步实现餐桌化,休闲、保健和功能食品得到适度发展;鲜食消费比例逐年增加,提升了甘薯种植效益;品牌建设得到了长足发展。甘薯种业在国家甘薯产业技术体系的推动下,初步建立了甘薯分子育种平台,甘薯基因组测序基本完成,构建了高密度分子连锁图谱,开发出一批与甘薯茎线虫病抗性相关的分子标记和与甘薯淀粉含量等性状相关的主效QTL,发掘出甘薯品质、抗病、耐盐、抗旱等相关的重要功能基因;建立了甘薯主要病虫害抗性评价平台,创制出一批甘薯特异新材料;构建了优质专用甘薯品种评价平台,育成一批甘薯专用型新品种,良种自育品种覆盖率达95%以上;制定了甘薯新品种的DUS测试国家标准和行业标准,规范了种薯种苗市场;完成了脱毒种薯种苗生产关键技术研究;建立了产学研结合的种业协同创新体系,推动种薯种苗企业重组。现阶段中国甘薯产业和种业还存在许多问题,一是优异种质数量少,无法满足育种的需求;二是优质品种评价指标缺乏,专用化品种少,无法满足加工需求;三是脱毒种薯种苗的应用率低,种薯种苗繁育技术和市场不规范;四是甘薯种业尚未形成规模,政府对种薯种苗繁育企业扶持力度较弱,区域性的种薯种苗企业数量少,远不能满足生产的需要。未来5—10年,中国应注重资源收集、评价和保存平台建设;打造甘薯育种公共服务平台建设;选育和推广优质高产多抗专用品种;着力推进育繁推一体化健康种薯种苗繁育体系建设;进一步延长加工产业链,提高产业效益;在“一带一路”国家示范推广高品质淀粉、富含膳食纤维、花青素、胡萝卜素及多酚类物质等专用品种。
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为了探索食用甘薯品种的选育方法,加快优良食用甘薯品种的选育进程。本研究对2001—2020年育成的22个食用型甘薯品种主要性状和亲本系谱进行了分析。结果表明:22个食用甘薯品种的平均鲜薯产量32689.0 kg/hm<sup>2</sup>,平均干物率28.1%。其中12个苏薯系列红心食用甘薯品种的平均胡萝卜素含量4.77 mg/100g鲜薯,10个宁紫薯系列紫心食用甘薯品种的平均花青素含量24.49 mg/100g鲜薯。系谱分析表明:苏薯系列红心食用甘薯品种基因源主要来自于美国品种,其中大多数品种都具有‘南瑞苕’血统,宁紫薯系列紫心甘薯品种基因源主要来自于日本品种,同时种质创新和桥梁亲本的应用也对紫心甘薯品种选育起到重要作用。外引资源和创新种质都是食用甘薯育种不可或缺的亲本来源,定向配组杂交是选育优良食用甘薯品种的主要方法。
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