
柳静, 王昌梅, 赵兴玲, 吴凯, 尹芳, 杨红, 杨斌, 梁承月, 张无敌

中国农学通报. 2023, 39(33): 156-164

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中国农学通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (33) : 156-164. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0835


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Lignocellulose Separation and Utilization Based on Choline Chloride Eutectic Solvents: A Review

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为了去除木质纤维素固有复杂抗性结构,实现木质纤维素原料的高效利用,研究人员不断开发新的木质纤维素预处理技术。低共熔溶剂(Deep Eutectic Solvents, DESs)作为一种绿色溶剂,具有成本低、制备简单、热稳定性好、可设计性等优势,在促进木质纤维素原料预处理、原料酶解转化方面有着较好的应用潜力,得到了研究者们的广泛关注和认可。本研究在查阅国内外研究现状和研究成果的相关报道基础上,综述了氯化胆碱DESs的合成及性质,预处理木质纤维素的作用机理,对木质纤维素酶解效果及转化为生物乙醇的相关研究,指出不同氢键供体、不同的预处理条件对原料的木质素去除率及葡萄糖产量有很大影响,认为DESs预处理木质纤维素极大提高了后续纤维素酶解过程的糖化率,并对DESs预处理机理、循环使用、工艺参数优化方面提出了展望。


In order to remove the inherent complex resistance structure of lignocellulose and achieve efficient utilization of lignocellulose, new lignocellulosic pretreatment technologies have been improved continuously. As green solvents, Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) have the advantages of low cost, simple preparation, thermal stability, and designability. They have great application potential in promoting the pretreatment of lignocellulose and enzymatic hydrolysis, and have received widespread attention. Based on the analysis and summary of the research status and achievements at home and abroad, the research progress of synthesis and properties of DESs, pretreatment mechanism, enzymatic hydrolysis, and bioethanol conversion were discussed. It was pointed out that different hydrogen bond donors and different pre-treatment conditions had a significant impact on the lignin removal rate and glucose yield. It was believed that pretreatment of lignocellulose with DESs could greatly improve the saccharification rate. Prospects for DESs pretreatment mechanism, recycling, and process parameter optimization were proposed.


低共熔溶剂 / 木质纤维素 / 酶解 / 生物乙醇

Key words

deep eutectic solvents / lignocellulose / enzymolysis / bioethanol


柳静 , 王昌梅 , 赵兴玲 , 吴凯 , 尹芳 , 杨红 , 杨斌 , 梁承月 , 张无敌. 氯化胆碱类低共熔溶剂对木质纤维素分离及其利用的研究进展. 中国农学通报. 2023, 39(33): 156-164 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0835
LIU Jing , WANG Changmei , ZHAO Xingling , WU Kai , YIN Fang , YANG Hong , YANG Bin , LIANG Chengyue , ZHANG Wudi. Lignocellulose Separation and Utilization Based on Choline Chloride Eutectic Solvents: A Review. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(33): 156-164 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0835

0 引言

低共熔溶剂(Deep eutectic solvents,DESs)是一种新型的绿色溶剂,与离子液体相比,具有原料来源广泛、容易制备、低毒性及可生物降解等优势[7]。自ABBOTT[8]等首次合成DESs以来,因其选择性溶解多糖和木质素的特点,被广泛应用于木质纤维素原料分离提取[9-10]。ZHANG等[11]使用氯化胆碱和甘油合成DES预处理玉米芯,木质素去除率达到71.3%。CHEN等[12]使用氯化胆碱/乙二醇预处理柳枝稷,木质素去除率可以达到54%。VALLARI[13]用氯化胆碱分别与丙二酸、甘油、乳酸合成DESs,预处理甘蔗渣。研究表明,氯化胆碱/乳酸对甘蔗渣木质素去除率达到81.6%,酶解糖化效率提高至98.5%。

1 DESs的合成及性质

1.1 DESs的合成

低共熔溶剂(DESs)是氢键供体(Hydrogen Bond Donors, HBDs)与氢键受体(Hydrogen Bond Acceptors, HBAs)以固定摩尔比,在一定的温度和环境压力下,通过分子间氢键作用形成的共晶混合物。合成DESs的方法有加热法、研磨法和旋转蒸发法[15]。DESs的一般表达式为Cat+X-zY,其中Cat+表示阳离子基团包括铵、磷或锍阳离子;X-代表路易斯碱,通常是卤素阴离子;Y表示路易斯酸或布朗斯特酸;z表示与阴离子相互作用的分子数量[16]。DESs中使用的氢键供体HBDs(乳酸、甲酸、甘油等)和氢键受体HBA(氯化胆碱,ChCl),能够提供和接受质子,它们之间能够形成氢键[17]。这类DESs容易制备,且绝大多数可生物降解,价格低廉,与咪唑盐类离子液体有相似的理化性质,可以被用来代替离子液体[16]

1.2 DESs的性质

1.2.1 凝固点和熔点


1.2.2 密度


1.2.3 黏度


1.2.4 电导率

大多数DESs具有弱导电性(常温下<1 mS/cm),DESs的电导率大小与温度有关。将电导率与温度的关系用Arrhenius方程拟合:lnσ = lnσ0-/RT,lnσ随T-1线性降低,即电导率随温度升高而增大[31]。电导率与DESs黏度同样有关。ABBOTT等[18]对电导率和黏度的活化能进行比较,发现ChCl摩尔比在30%~70%时,电导率与黏度的倒数是呈线性相关[19]

1.2.5 极性与pH

表1 部分DESs的物理化学性质
DESs 熔点/℃ 黏度/Pa.S 密度/(g/cm3) 表面张力/(mN/N) 电导率/(S/m) 参考文献
ChCl/尿素(1:2) 12 0.75(25℃) 1.25 52.00 0.075(25℃) [37]
ChCl/丙三醇(1:2) -36.15 0.26(25℃) 1.18 -- 0.105(25℃) [37]
ChCl/乙二醇(1:2) -66.01 0.037(25℃) 1.12 48.91 0.761(25℃) [38]
ChCl/1,4-丁二醇(1:3) -32 0.14(25℃) 1.06 47.17 0.164(25℃) [38]
ChCl/草酸(1:1) 34 -- -- -- -- [16]
ChCl/苹果酸(1:1) -- 3.34(25℃) -- 65.68 0.0036 [39,40]
ChCl/乙酰苯 (1:2) -- -- -- 41.86 -- [40]

2 DESs对木质纤维素预处理机理

表2 木质纤维素不同组分在部分DESs中的溶解度
DESs 摩尔比 木质素溶解度/% 木聚糖溶解度/% 纤维素溶解度/% 参考文献
ChCl/甲酸 1:2 14 <1 <1 [45]
ChCl/乳酸 1:10 13 <5 <3
ChCl/乙酸 1:2 12 <1 <1
甜菜碱/乳酸 1:2 9 <1 <1
脯氨酸/乳酸 1:3.3 9 <1 <1

2.1 时间对DESs预处理效果的影响

木质纤维素的预处理效果与预处理时间密切相关。熊龙[46]以构树木粉为原料,在140℃下,采用ChCl/乳酸(摩尔比为1:2)分别经过1、2、3、4 h预处理,处理后纤维素含量明显增加。与未处理组相比,4个时间下的残余物回收率随着处理时间的增加而逐渐降低。可能的原因是乳酸是中强酸,随着处理时间的延长和羧酸基团的剧烈作用,原料发生焦化[11]。解先利[47]等用ChCl/乙醇胺对甘草渣进行预处理,经过不同时间预处理后(1、2、3、4 h),发现半纤维素和木质素在预处理4 h后去除率相对较高。

2.2 温度对DESs预处理效果的影响

同时,温度升高会影响DESs体系中氢键网路,导致体系中部分分子脱离氢键束缚,进行自由扩散,从而降低DESs体系的黏度,增强DESs溶剂的渗透性[23],从而破坏木质素、半纤维素和纤维素之间形成的复杂氢键网络,溶解生物质的部分木质素、半纤维素和纤维素。GUO等[51]制备了ChCl/甲酸、ChCl/1,4-丁二醇、甜菜碱/乳酸三种DESs,分别在80℃、100℃、120℃进行预处理,研究发现木质素去除率均随温度的升高而增大[52]。但是预处理温度升高,纤维素损失率也会增加。熊龙[46]的研究中发现新随着预处理温度从140 ℃升至180℃,残余物回收率由78.40%下降到30.10%,纤维素损失率由1.36%提高39.32%,木聚糖去除率高达95.18%,当温度为170℃和180℃时,木质素去除率和酶解消化率几乎没有变化,这可能是原料在DESs预处理中多糖的大量损失,反而影响到酶解作用[48]。多名学者的研究也证实了当木质素去除率达到较高程度后,进一步的木质素脱除并不会促进后续酶解作用,并且木质素的全部去除并非是提高酶解消化率的最优途径[53]。此外,也有研究发现随着预处理温度升高,木质素的去除率反而降低。YU等[54]制备的ChCl/甲酸(摩尔比为1:6)用于草药残留物预处理,预处理温度为从100℃增加至120℃时,木质素去除率反而降低。由此可知,木质素的去除效果受DESs的组成成分及其摩尔比、反应条件等多种因素的影响[52]。因此,木质素去除率、酶解效率与预处理温度之间的关系是进一步研究的重点。

2.3 HBDs的选择对预处理效果的影响

表3 不同种类DESs对木质素的分离效果
原料 DESs 摩尔比 预处理条件 木质素去除率/% 参考文献
小麦秸秆 ChCl/单乙醇胺 1:2 90 ℃,12 h 81.0 [59]
小麦秸秆 ChCl/二乙醇胺 1:8 90 ℃,12 h 73.5
小麦秸秆 ChCl/甲基二乙醇胺 1:10 90 ℃,12 h 44.6
小麦秸秆 ChCl/乙酰胺 1:2 90 ℃,12 h 3.4
小麦秸秆 ChCl/尿素 1:2 70 ℃,12 h 76.4
小麦秸秆 ChCl/单乙醇胺 1:6 110 ℃,12 h 87.7
玉米芯 ChCl/尿素 1:2 80 ℃,15 h 40.0 [50]
玉米芯 ChCl/咪唑 3:7 115 ℃,15 h 70.0
玉米芯 ChCl/咪唑 3:7 150 ℃,15 h 88.0
玉米芯 ChCl/咪唑 3:7 120 ℃,4 h 11.1
核桃壳 ChCl/乳酸 1:2 145 ℃,6 h 64.3 [60]
桃核 ChCl/乳酸 1:2 145 ℃,6 h 70.2
油棕空果壳 ChCl/苹果酸 1:1 120 ℃,8 h 22.9 [58]
油棕空果壳 ChCl/柠檬酸 1:1 120 ℃,8 h 20.6
油棕空果壳 ChCl/甲酸 1:2 120 ℃,8 h 61.9
油棕空果壳 ChCl/甲酸 1:5 120 ℃,8 h 25.0
油棕空果壳 ChCl/乙酸 1:2 120 ℃,8 h 28.0
油棕空果壳 ChCl/乙酸 1:5 120 ℃,8 h 40.0
油棕空果壳 ChCl/丙酸 1:2 120 ℃,8 h 20.4
油棕空果壳 ChCl/丁酸 1:2 120 ℃,8 h 14.3
油棕空果壳 ChCl/琥珀酸 2:1 120 ℃,8 h 10.7
玉米芯 ChCl/乙二醇 1:2 90 ℃,24 h 87.6 [11]
玉米芯 ChCl/丙三醇 1:2 90 ℃,24 h 71.3
玉米芯 ChCl/丙三醇/聚乙二醇 1:2:1 60 ℃,2 h 62.9 [61]
稻草 ChCl/乙二醇 1:1 120 ℃,3 h 28.7 [55]
稻草 ChCl/1,2-丙二醇 1:1 120 ℃,3 h 32.9
稻草 ChCl/1,3-丙二醇 1:1 120 ℃,3 h 34.2
杨木 ChCl/乳酸 1:2 170 ℃,4 h 49.2 [62]

3 DESs预处理对纤维素素酶解效果的影响

由于酶在多元醇基DESs中显示出优异的稳定性,具有多元醇基DESs在生物质回收糖能力方面具有较好潜力。PROCENTESE等[68]使用ChCl/甘油和ChCl/乙二醇预处理农业食品废物,结果表明,从食品废物中可获得大约217kt/年的总可发酵糖。虽然多元醇基DESs在糖化方面表现优异,然而由于缺乏酸度,在木质素和木聚糖去除效果上低于酸基DESs。因此,部分研究学者采取将醇基的DESs与酸结合后来提高其性能。GUO等[69]使用ChCl/甘油与硅钨酸辅助预处理奇岗,其中酶解效率可达到97.3%,在12 h内葡萄糖产率为80%。值得注意的是,单独使用ChCl/甘油时仅去除1.6%的木质素和5.3%的木聚糖,而引入杂多酸后,木质素和木聚糖的去除率显著提高,分别上升至89.5%和58.5%。CHEN等[70]通过酸化含水DES(ChCl/甘油,含0.9%H2SO4)将柳枝稷分馏成木质素、富含木糖的预处理水解物和富含纤维素的纸浆,其中富含纤维素的纸浆酶水解可实现89%的葡萄糖产率。
为降低生产成本,在工业化生产中若采用预处理后直接进行酶解,需要评估纤维素酶对DESs溶剂的适应性。GUNNY等[71]合成了ChCl/甘油、ChCl/乙二醇、ChCl/丙二酸三种DESs用于评价纤维素酶的稳定性,结果显示在10%(v/v)的ChCl/甘油和ChCl/乙二醇酶解体系中,纤维素酶活能够保持其90%以上的活性,而在含有丙二酸的DES的24 h内,活性降低了60%。WAHLSTROM等[72]比较了三种里氏木霉纤维素酶(纤维素二糖水解酶Cel7A、纤维素内切酶Cel5A和Cel7B)以及一种里氏木霉木聚糖酶Xyn11在3种高浓度DESs溶液中的稳定性,发现ChCl/甘油(1:1)对纤维素酶具有高度稳定性,酶的活性变化较小,但预处理效率有限。王冬梅[73]观察了ChCl/甲酸残留量对纤维素酶活性的影响,当残留量低于2%时,糖化6 h纤维素酶活性不受影响。KUMAR等[74]研究了ChCl/甘油、ChCl/1,2-丙二醇、ChCl/乙二醇等DESs对纤维素酶活性影响,发现在高浓度下(DESs添加量为30%),对纤维素酶活性无明显抑制。在ChCl/甘油、ChCl/1,2-丙二醇添加量为10%的浓度体系中,对克拉维孢菌NRRL Y-50464的生长速率、糖消耗和乙醇生产没有影响,而10%(v/v)的ChCl/乙二醇抑制并延迟了微生物的细胞生长。

4 DESs预处理对乙醇产量的影响

利用木质纤维素原料生产乙醇最早是1910年由Heinerch等[75]通过酸水解木材和发酵得到的,至今已有上百年的时间。目前,常规的木质纤维素生产乙醇的工艺包括原料预处理、酶水解、乙醇发酵和分离提纯等步骤。经 DESs预处理后的木质纤维素对生物发酵过程并无明显的抑制作用,然而利用DESs预处理后的木质纤维素为原料进行乙醇生产的研究并不多。
GUO等[69]利用ChCl/甘油预处理的奇岗进行半同步糖化发酵,获得了81.8%的乙醇产率,发酵效率高达97.3%,是未预处理的8倍。KUMAR等[74]使用ChCl/甘油预处理后的稻草进行水解发酵,可获得226.7 g/L的最大还原糖,并且还原糖可以有效的发酵成乙醇。
近年来,也有研究人员将利用预处理后的木质纤维素生产丁醇,也获得较好的成果。CHEN等[76]利用乙二醇/ChCl体系在酸性条件下预处理柳枝稷,葡萄糖产率达到86.2%,经过芽孢杆菌发酵后2,3-丁二醇产量为90.2 g/L。XU[77]等利用ChCl/甲酸体系对玉米秸秆进行预处理,半纤维素和木质素的脱除率分别为66. 2%、23.8%,酶解后葡萄糖产率达到99%,发酵所得丁醇浓度为5.63 g/L。这些研究成果证明了从木质素纤维素原料制备生物燃料过程中,DESs预处理木质纤素是一种有前景的工艺技术。

5 展望



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Plant cell walls represent an enormous biomass resource for the generation of biofuels and chemicals. As lignocellulose property principally determines biomass recalcitrance, the genetic modification of plant cell walls has been posed as a powerful solution. Here, we review recent progress in understanding the effects of distinct cell wall polymers (cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, pectin, wall proteins) on the enzymatic digestibility of biomass under various physical and chemical pretreatments in herbaceous grasses, major agronomic crops and fast-growing trees. We also compare the main factors of wall polymer features, including cellulose crystallinity (CrI), hemicellulosic Xyl/Ara ratio, monolignol proportion and uronic acid level. Furthermore, the review presents the main gene candidates, such as CesA, GH9, GH10, GT61, GT43 etc., for potential genetic cell wall modification towards enhancing both biomass yield and enzymatic saccharification in genetic mutants and transgenic plants. Regarding cell wall modification, it proposes a novel groove-like cell wall model that highlights to increase amorphous regions (density and depth) of the native cellulose microfibrils, providing a general strategy for bioenergy crop breeding and biofuel processing technology.Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Pretreating lignocellulosic biomass by phosphoric acid plus hydrogen peroxide (PHP) was integrated with recovering concentrated phosphoric acid (CPA), lignin, and treating phosphorus (P) wastewater. Results indicated no significant effects on cellulose recovery was observed by promoting ethanol addition, but CPA and lignin recovery were improved to 80.0% and 23.3%, respectively. Increasing water addition did not greatly affect CPA recovery (80.0-80.4%), and lignin recovery (22.8-23.6%). Consequently, the ratio of 11:1 (ethanol/PHP solution) and 4:1 (water/de-ethanol liquor) were suggested for solid/liquid separation and lignin precipitation. Average 86.0% CPA was recycled for pretreatment (≥11 runs) with average 96.3% cellulose-glucose conversion. A specially-developed biochar from crab shell was efficient on P removal with maximal adsorption capacity of 261.6 mg/g. Pretreating 1.0 kg wheat straw by 1.1 kg CPA harvested 155.0 g ethanol, 45.0 g high purity lignin and 4.9 kg P-rich biochar fertilizer. Recovering CPA, biochar-fertilizer and lignin, and P wastewater treatment made PHP pretreatment towards more sustainable and cleaner.Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Lignocellulosic biomass represents the largest potential volume and lowest cost for biofuel and biochemical production. Pretreatment is an essential component of biomass conversion process, affecting a majority of downstream processes, including enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, and final product separation. Organic solvent pretreatment is recognized as an emerging way ahead because of its inherent advantages, such as the ability to fractionate lignocellulosic biomass into cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose components with high purity, as well as easy solvent recovery and solvent reuse. Objectives of this review were to update and extend previous works on pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuels and biochemicals using organic solvents, especially on ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol, glycerol, acetic acid, and formic acid. Perspectives and recommendations were given to fully describe implementation of proper organic solvent pretreatment for future research. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
余燕燕, 李以琳, 楼雨寒, 等. 低共熔溶剂解离木纤维时木质素缩合对纤维素酶解的影响[J]. 林业工程报 2021, 6(6):101-108.
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A dark green, viscous liquid can be formed by mixing choline chloride with chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate and the physical properties are characteristic of an ionic liquid. The eutectic composition is found to be 1:2 choline chloride/chromium chloride. The viscosity and conductivity are measured as a function of temperature and composition and explained in terms of the ion size and liquid void volume. The electrochemical response of the ionic liquid is also characterised and it is shown that chromium can be electrodeposited efficiently to yield a crack-free deposit. This approach could circumvent the use of chromic acid for chromium electroplating, which would be a major environmental benefit. This method of using hydrated metal salts to form ionic liquids is shown to be valid for a variety of other salt mixtures with choline chloride.
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Krabbe disease (KD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the lack of β- galactosylceramidase enzymatic activity and by widespread accumulation of the cytotoxic galactosyl-sphingosine in neuronal, myelinating and endothelial cells. Despite the wide use of Twitcher mice as experimental model for KD, the ultrastructure of this model is partial and mainly addressing peripheral nerves. More details are requested to elucidate the basis of the motor defects, which are the first to appear during KD onset. Here we use transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to focus on the alterations produced by KD in the lower motor system at postnatal day 15 (P15), a nearly asymptomatic stage, and in the juvenile P30 mouse. We find mild effects on motorneuron soma, severe ones on sciatic nerves and very severe effects on nerve terminals and neuromuscular junctions at P30, with peripheral damage being already detectable at P15. Finally, we find that the gastrocnemius muscle undergoes atrophy and structural changes that are independent of denervation at P15. Our data further characterize the ultrastructural analysis of the KD mouse model, and support recent theories of a dying-back mechanism for neuronal degeneration, which is independent of demyelination.
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Despite the importance of ionic liquids in a variety of fields, little is understood about the behaviour of protons in these media. The main difficulty arises due to the unknown activity of protons in non-aqueous solvents. This study presents acid dissociation constants for nine organic acids in deep eutectic solvents (DESs) using standard pH indicator solutes. The pK value for bromophenol blue was found by titrating the DES with triflic acid. The experimental method was developed to understand the acid-base properties of deep eutectic solvents, and through this study it was found that the organic acids studied were slightly less dissociated in the DES than in water with pK values between 0.2 and 0.5 higher. pK values were also determined for two ionic liquids, [Bmim][BF] and [Emim][acetate]. The anion of the ionic liquid changes the pH of the solution by acting as a buffer. [Emim][acetate] was found to be more basic than water. It is also shown that water significantly affects the pH of ionic liquids. This is thought to arise because aqueous mixtures with ionic liquids form heterogeneous solutions and the proton partitions into the aqueous phase. This study also attempted to develop an electrochemical pH sensor. It was shown that a linear response of cell potential vs. ln a could be obtained but the slope for the correlation was less than that obtained in aqueous solutions. Finally it was shown that the liquid junction potential between two reference electrodes immersed in different DESs was dependent upon the pH difference between the liquids.
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解先利, 刘云云, 余强, 等. 低共熔溶剂预处理提高甘草渣酶解效果优化[J]. 化工进展, 2022, 41(3):1349-1356.
近年来,低共熔溶剂(deep eutectic solvent,DES)以易制备、成本低、易回收等优势,在生物质预处理方面受到广泛关注。本研究以氯化胆碱为氢键受体,乙醇胺为氢键供体,合成DES,研究了不同温度、时间和固液比预处理条件对中药渣组分和酶解效果的影响。结果表明:固液比1∶20、120℃、预处理4h后原料中木质素去除率达到78.42%,纤维素回收率为83.89%。随后对不同条件下所得底物进行酶水解,反应96h后发现,较优条件下所得底物酶解效率为78.57%,较未处理中药渣(30.40%)提高了1.58倍。类分形动力学分析表明,预处理温度对酶解效果影响最大。SEM、XRD和FTIR检测发现,预处理后底物形貌、结晶指数和官能团变化有利于酶解效果的提高。
杨宇辰, 鄢贵龙, 杨依晶, 等. 氯化胆碱类低共熔溶剂处理对玉米芯的影响[J]. 食品工业, 2022, 43(1):194-198.
PROCENTESE A, JOHNSON E, ORR V, et al. Deep eutectic solvent pretreatment and subsequent saccharification of corncob[J], Bioresource technology, 2015, 192:31-36.
Ionic liquid (ILs) pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass has attracted broad scientific interest, despite high costs, possible toxicity and energy intensive recycling. An alternative group of ionic solvents with similar physicochemical properties are deep eutectic solvents (DESs). Corncob residues were pretreated with three different DES systems: choline chloride and glycerol, choline chloride and imidazole, choline chloride and urea. The pretreated biomass was characterised in terms of lignin content, sugars concentration, enzymatic digestibility and crystallinity index. A reduction of lignin and hemicellulose content resulted in increased crystallinity of the pretreated biomass while the crystallinity of the cellulose fraction could be reduced, depending on DES system and operating conditions. The subsequent enzymatic saccharification was enhanced in terms of rate and extent. A total of 41 g fermentable sugars (27 g glucose and 14 g xylose) could be recovered from 100g corncob, representing 76% (86% and 63%) of the initially available carbohydrates.Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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In this study, a novel biomass pretreatment process using three kinds of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) was developed to improve saccharification efficiency and lignin valorization. The major components of xylose residue including cellulose and lignin fractions were released, recovered and utilized. Pretreatment with betaine/lactic acid system at 120 °C for 2 h was found to be the optimal conditions with prominently increased enzymatic digestibility (from 55.3% to 96.8%). The efficient conversion was mainly ascribed to the significant delignification efficiency of 81.6% after betaine/lactic acid pretreatment, which caused incompact structure and corrosive surface of treated xylose residue. The recoverable lignin had high purity, low molecular weight (630-2040 g/mol) and polydispersity (1.07-1.76). Based on the comprehensive analysis, the one-pot DESs system provides us a facile and effective approach for whole components valorization of lignocellulosic materials.Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
陈鑫东, 熊莲, 黎海龙, 等. 低共熔溶剂在木质纤维素预处理促进酶水解效率的研究进展[J]. 新能源进展, 2019, 7(5):415-422.
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Here, the potential use of herbal residues of Akebia as feedstock for ethanol production is evaluated. Additionally, five deep eutectic solvents from hemicellulose-derived acids were prepared to overcome biomass recalcitrance. Reaction temperatures had more significant influences on solid loss and chemical composition than the molar ratios of choline chloride (ChCl) to derived acids. Glycolic acid resulted in the maximum levels of lignin, xylan and glucan removal, which were 60.0%, 100% and 71.5%, respectively, at 120°C with a 1:6M ratio of ChCl-glycolic acid. In contrast, ChCl-formic acid resulted in the greatest level of glucan retention, at 97.8%, with a lignin removal rate of 40.7% under the same pretreatment conditions. Moreover, ChCl loading could significantly enhance the selectivity of carboxylic acid for lignin dissolution. A 98.0% level of subsequent enzymatic saccharification and a 100% ethanol yield were achieved after ChCl-formic acid pretreatments of Akebia' herbal residues.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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In this study, acidic deep eutectic solvents (DES) synthesized from various organic carboxylic acid hydrogen bond donors were applied to lignocellulosic oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) pretreatment. The influence of functional group types on acid and their molar ratios with hydrogen bond acceptor on lignin extraction were evaluated. The result showed presence of hydroxyl group and short alkyl chain enhanced biomass fractionation and lignin extraction. Choline chloride:lactic acid (CC-LA) with the ratio of 1:15 and choline chloride:formic acid (CC-FA) with 1:2 ratio extracted more than 60 wt% of lignin. CC-LA DES-extracted lignin (DEEL) exhibited comparable reactivity with technical and commercial lignin based on its phenolic hydroxyl content (3.33-3.72 mmol/g). Also, the DES-pretreated EFB comprised of enriched glucan content after biopolymer fractionation. Both DES-pretreated EFB and DEEL can be potential feedstock for subsequent conversion processes. This study presented DES as an effective and facile pretreatment method for reactive lignin extraction.Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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周敏姑, 郭英杰, 郝子越, 等. 氯化胆碱-乳酸低共熔溶剂预处理对杨木酶水解特性的影响[J]. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(12):55-63.
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杨露敏. 深度共熔溶剂结构性质对甘蔗渣预处理效率的影响研究[D]. 广州: 广州工业大学, 2020.
PROCENTESE A, RAGANATI F, OLIVIERI G, et al. Deep Eutectic solvents pretreatment of agro-industrial food waste[J]. Biotechnology for biofuels, 2018, 11:37.
Background: Waste biomass from agro-food industries are a reliable and readily exploitable resource. From the circular economy point of view, direct residues from these industries exploited for production of fuel/chemicals is a winning issue, because it reduces the environmental/cost impact and improves the eco-sustainability of productions.Results: The present paper reports recent results of deep eutectic solvent (DES) pretreatment on a selected group of the agro-industrial food wastes (AFWs) produced in Europe. In particular, apple residues, potato peels, coffee silver-skin, and brewer's spent grains were pretreated with two DESs, (choline chloride-glycerol and choline chloride-ethylene glycol) for fermentable sugar production. Pretreated biomass was enzymatic digested by commercial enzymes to produce fermentable sugars. Operating conditions of the DES pretreatment were changed in wide intervals. The solid to solvent ratio ranged between 1:8 and 1:32, and the temperature between 60 and 150 degrees C. The DES reaction time was set at 3 h. Optimal operating conditions were: 3 h pretreatment with choline chloride-glycerol at 1:16 biomass to solvent ratio and 115 degrees C. Moreover, to assess the expected European amount of fermentable sugars from the investigated AFWs, a market analysis was carried out. The overall sugar production was about 217 kt yr(-1), whose main fraction was from the hydrolysis of BSGs pretreated with choline chloride-glycerol DES at the optimal conditions.Conclusions: The reported results boost deep investigation on lignocellulosic biomass using DES. This investigated new class of solvents is easy to prepare, biodegradable and cheaper than ionic liquid. Moreover, they reported good results in terms of sugars' release at mild operating conditions (time, temperature and pressure).
GUO Z W, ZHANG Q, YOU T, et al. Heteropoly acids enhanced neutral deep eutectic solvent pretreatment for enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation of Miscanthus x giganteus under mild conditions[J]. Bioresource technology, 2019, 293:122036.
CHEN Z, REZNICEK W D, WAN C. Deep eutectic solvent pretreatment enabling full utilization of switchgrass[J]. Bioresource technology, 2018, 263:40-48.
In this study, an acidified, aqueous DES comprising choline chloride: glycerol (ChCl:Gly) was used to fractionate switchgrass into three major streams under a relatively mild condition: cellulose-rich pulp, lignin, and xylose-rich liquor. The pulp showed good digestibility with about 89% glucose yield. The solvent can be recycled successfully and reused for at least four more pretreatment cycles while maintaining its pretreatment capability. The solvent recycling also improved the lignin recovery from the pretreatment liquor. Lignin recovered from different pretreatment cycles had the β-O-4 bonds preserved, and shared similar structures with native lignin. Using the pretreatment liquor as a substrate, the oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula toruloides produced 18.7 g/L biomass with lipid and carotenoid titers of 8.1 g/L and 15.0 mg/L, respectively. Overall, this study demonstrated a green process integrating chemical and biological methods toward full utilization of lignocellulosic biomass.Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
GUNNY A A N, ARBAIN D, NASHEF E M, et al. Applicability evaluation of deep eutectic solvents-cellulase system for lignocellulose hydrolysis[J]. Bioresource technology, 2015, 181: 297-302.
Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) have recently emerged as a new generation of ionic liquids for lignocellulose pretreatment. However, DESs contain salt components which tend to inactivate cellulase in the subsequent saccharification process. To alleviate this problem, it is necessary to evaluate the applicability of the DESs-Cellulase system. This was accomplished in the present study by first studying the stability of cellulase in the presence of selected DESs followed by applicability evaluation based on glucose production, energy consumption and kinetic performance. Results showed that the cellulase was able to retain more than 90% of its original activity in the presence of 10% (v/v) for glycerol based DES (GLY) and ethylene glycol based DES (EG). Furthermore, both DESs system exhibited higher glucose percentage enhancement and lower energy consumption as compared to diluted alkali system. Among the two DESs studied, EG showed comparatively better kinetic performance. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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