
董旭, 褚玥, 童舟, 孟丹丹, 孙明娜, 周亮亮, 王鸣华, 段劲生

中国农学通报. 2023, 39(13): 117-124

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中国农学通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (13) : 117-124. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0346


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Mechanism and Functionalization of Biochar for Pesticide Adsorption: Research Progress

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Pesticide is an important input in agricultural production. Due to the restricting elements such as pesticide improper use, pesticide resistance and environmental factors, the effective utilization rate of pesticide is low. Pesticide pollution of soil can lead to soil dysfunction, and the exposure of pesticide may cause acute, chronic and long-term harm to human health. As a new material, biochar can be used to fix/degrade pollutants and minimize the risk of soil pollution with its high aromatic character, excellent absorbability and environmental friendliness. In this paper, the characteristics and formation mechanism of biochar, its adsorption mechanism of pesticides and the pathway of functionalization are briefly discussed by summarizing the research results at home and abroad.


生物炭 / 农药 / 环境 / 改性 / 吸附

Key words

biochar / pesticide / environment / modification / adsorption


董旭 , 褚玥 , 童舟 , 孟丹丹 , 孙明娜 , 周亮亮 , 王鸣华 , 段劲生. 生物炭对农药吸附机理及功能化研究进展. 中国农学通报. 2023, 39(13): 117-124 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0346
DONG Xu , CHU Yue , TONG Zhou , MENG Dandan , SUN Mingna , ZHOU Liangliang , WANG Minghua , DUAN Jinsheng. Mechanism and Functionalization of Biochar for Pesticide Adsorption: Research Progress. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(13): 117-124 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0346

0 引言


1 生物炭的特性及形成机制


1.1 生物炭的特性

图1 生物炭材料功能化及其潜在应用

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1.2 生物炭的形成机制

图2 纤维素、半纤维素和木质素热解产生生物炭基本分子结构

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图3 不同热解温度下产生的生物炭的动态分子结构

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2 生物炭对土壤中农药吸附机理

图4 生物炭与有机污染物相互作用的假定机制

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3 生物炭材料的功能化


3.1 表面氧化

含氧官能团,如羰基、羟基和羧基,对于提高生物炭在各种应用中的性能非常重要。例如,当生物炭用作有机污染物去除的吸附剂时,表面羟基和羧基基团可以大大提高吸附能力。这是因为这些基团通过氢键和静电吸引力等相互作用[41],此外,在表面引入含氧官能团可大大提高生物炭的亲水性,从而提高亲水性能[42]。表面氧化是在生物炭表面生成含氧官能团的最广泛使用的方法,氧化可在生物炭表面引入大量酸性含氧官能团,提高比表面积和孔容孔径。过氧化氢(H2O2)、臭氧(O3)、高锰酸钾(KMnO4)和硝酸(HNO3)是最常用的表面氧化试剂,此外用KMnO4或HNO3氧化处理可以增加生物炭的亲水性[43],通过表面氧化处理可以形成几种类型的含氧官能团,例如羧基、酚羟基、内酯和过氧化物。Fan等[44]采用HNO3/H2SO4和NaOH/H2O2 2种氧化工艺氧化改性芦苇生物炭,氧化后生物炭中含氧官能团增多,氧碳比(O/C)提高,傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)表征显示,氧化后生物炭表面的C-O和O-H具有较大的收缩峰,另外氧化后生物炭表面出现了破坏的沟壑和疤痕,使得其比表面积和孔隙率增大,酸氧化和碱氧化处理的生物炭比表面积分别提高了164.9%和63.0%,吸附能力提高了28.4%和13.15%。Sanford等[45]以木材和玉米芯为原料制备生物炭通过次氯酸钠(NaClO)和过氧化氢(H2O2)氧化,采用间歇等温线法测定对硝酸盐的吸附能力,结果表明氧化前后相比吸附容量从0.50 mg/g提高到3.97 mg/g,吸附能力提高显著。

3.2 表面氨基化

除了含氧官能团,生物炭表面的碱性氨基也被证明可以大大提高其在有机污染物吸附等应用中的性能,表面氨化是将氨基引入到生物炭中的最广泛使用的方法之一。高温下的氨(NH3)处理是一种传统的表面氨化技术,但往往消耗大量能量,并向环境中释放氨气,造成严重污染,可以使用一些含氨基试剂进行化学改性用于生物炭的表面氨化,如使用3-氯丙胺、三(2-氨基乙基)胺、聚乙烯亚胺将氨基引入生物炭表面以获得氨基化生物炭。合成的生物炭材料具有丰富的表面氨基,对废水中重金属具有良好的吸附性能。使用这种方法,除氨基外,一些具有不同亲水性或疏水性的有机单体也可以被引入表面[46]。El-Nemr等[47]以西瓜皮为原料制备初级生物炭,再经氨水氨化制得改性生物炭,与未经氨化生物炭对比Cr(VI)的去除率提高30%,最大吸附量达333.33 mg/g。Zhang等[48]为了提高对Cd2+的吸附能力,将氨基通过硝化和氨化相结合的方式引入到水稻秸秆生物炭表面,通过批量、连续的Cd2+吸附实验,改性后的生物炭吸附能力提高了72.1%,验证了生物炭表面引入氨基的作用,探明吸附机理为生物炭表面氨基与溶液中Cd2+之间的配位反应。

3.3 表面磺化

硫磺基团(SO3H)是固体酸性材料中的主要官能团,大多数含SO3H基团的非晶态碳材料是通过对不完全碳化的有机质进行直接磺化而合成的。生物炭作为生物质不完全碳化(热解)的产物,是一种易于合成无晶态碳基固体起始原料,用浓硫酸对生物炭进行表面磺化处理是制备生物炭基固体酸最常用的方法,磺化有助于改善生物炭的多孔结构,提高比表面积增加吸附性[24]。由于浓硫酸的强氧化能力,磺化的同时产生含氧官能团,如羧基、羰基以及羟基等,促进生物炭的其他性质进一步功能化[25]。Xie等[49]用浓硫酸(H2SO4)、氯磺酸(ClSO3H)和对甲苯磺酸(TsOH)对生物炭样品进行磺化,通过结构表征发现磺化后生物炭表面酸性基团(如SO3H、COOH)增加显著,O/C升高,H/C降低,芳香性和石墨性没有变化,磺化后的生物炭对螺旋霉素水解效率随总酸度、SO3H和COOH基团的增加而增加。Zhang等[50]以芦苇秸秆为原料,采用磺化改性方法对生物炭进行改性,物理化学表征方法证实了磺化生物炭上羧基(COOH)和磺酸基(SO3H)显著增加。对芦苇生物炭和磺化芦苇生物炭的氨吸附性能进行了评价,结果表明磺化芦苇生物炭对铵离子的吸附速率远高于芦苇生物炭,磺化芦苇生物炭的最大吸附量为4.20~5.19 mg/g,显著高于芦苇生物炭(1.09~1.92 mg/g)。

3.4 金属负载

将粗制生物炭浸渍于金属盐溶液中如FeCl3、CaCl2、TiO2、MgCl2等,通过煅烧法、共沉淀法,进行改性,使金属离子、金属氧化物或氢氧化物负载在生物炭表面,不仅可以提高生物炭还原性、催化性、静电吸引和络合能力[51],也可提高负载后生物炭的孔隙率和比表面积,表现出对有机污染物较好的除去效果[52]。应用铁盐溶液(Fe2O3、Fe3O4)浸渍后,煅烧法或共沉淀法制备的生物炭除具备较好的还原性、吸附性外还具有特殊的磁性[53]。磁性生物炭在吸附水中污染物方面表现出优异的性能,并且可以通过使用外部磁铁轻松分离,因此,它已被广泛用作处理污水和从水中分离小颗粒的吸附剂[54]。Bao等[51]研究了Fe、Ce、La、Al、Ti等金属元素负载生物炭,结果表明,金属元素以金属氧化物的形式修饰在生物炭表面,4 h内对四环素的催化作用分别为51.7%(空白生物炭)、90.7%(Fe-生物炭)、69.0%(Ce-生物炭)、59.9%(La-生物炭)、58.0%(Al-生物炭)、58.0%(Ti-生物炭),改性生物炭的催化活性高于空白生物炭。Zhang等[55]用玉米秸秆粉与Fe2+/Fe3+混合,在不同温度下进行热解,一步磁化炭化制备磁性生物炭,研究了磁性生物炭对环境中有机磷农药的富集能力,结果表明,磁性制备后生物炭的富集性提高显著,对有机磷农药的富集性因子从50提高至210。

3.5 氮掺杂

为提高生物炭吸附活性,不同改性制备生物炭方法在实践中得到应用,将含氮磷酸盐、尿素、聚磷酸铵、二聚氰胺、三聚氰胺等氮杂试剂于生物质浸渍搅拌后热解,可将非金属氮(N)元素引入碳晶格中,制备成氮杂生物炭是目前较新的生物炭改性研究。氮掺杂改性后的生物炭,表面接入含氮官能团,提高了生物炭表面碱度,增加吸附位点,引入正电荷,促进各种污染物特别对极性污染物的吸附[56]。Cheng等[34]以纤维素、半纤维素等为原料,三聚氰胺为氮杂试剂采用一步法制备氮杂生物炭,结果表明氮杂生物炭对莠去津的吸附容量高达103.59 mg/g,氮杂后的吸附性主要通过吡咯N等表面官能团(-COOH、-OH)的氢键作用和π-π电子给体-受体(EDA)相互作用实现,生物炭石墨化程度高,吸附性越强。Zhou等[57]以植物为原料,通过添加含氮磷酸盐制备新型氮掺生物炭,结果表明,氮(N)杂原子可以成功掺杂在生物炭表面,达4.16%,改性可显著提高生物炭的产量最高达60%,氮杂生物炭对甲苯表现良好吸附性,吸附量最高达496.2 mg/g,显著高于对照未改性生物炭的6.5 mg/g。

4 前景



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The ubiquitous problem of pesticide in aquatic environment are receiving worldwide concern as pesticide tends to accumulate in the body of the aquatic organism and sediment soil, posing health risks to the human. Many pesticide formulations had introduced due to the rapid growth in the global pesticide market result from the wide use of pesticides in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. The occurrence of pesticides in the water body is derived by the runoff from the agricultural field and industrial wastewater. Soluble pesticides were carried away by water molecules especially during the precipitation event by percolating downward into the soil layers and eventually reach surface waters and groundwater. Consequently, it degrades water quality and reduces the supply of clean water for potable water. Long-time exposure to the low concentration of pesticides had resulted in non-carcinogenic health risks. The conventional method of pesticide treatment processes encompasses coagulation-flocculation, adsorption, filtration and sedimentation, which rely on the phase transfer of pollutants. Those methods are often incurred with a relatively high operational cost and may cause secondary pollution such as sludge formation. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are recognized as clean technologies for the treatment of water containing recalcitrant and bio-refractory pollutants such as pesticides. It has been adopted as recent water purification technology because of the thermodynamic viability and broad spectrum of applicability. This work provides a comprehensive review for occurrence of pesticide in the drinking water and its possible treatment.
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Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element for humans and animals, although controversial for different plant species. There exists a narrow line between essential, beneficial and toxic levels of Se to living organisms which greatly varies with Se speciation, as well as the type of living organisms. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor its solid- and solution-phase speciation, exposure levels and pathways to living organisms. Consumption of Se-laced food (cereals, vegetables, legumes and pulses) is the prime source of Se exposure to humans. Thus, it is imperative to assess the biogeochemical behavior of Se in soil-plant system with respect to applied levels and speciation, which ultimately affect Se status in humans. Based on available relevant literature, this review traces a plausible link among (i) Se levels, sources, speciation, bioavailability, and effect of soil chemical properties on selenium bioavailability/speciation in soil; (ii) role of different protein transporters in soil-root-shoot transfer of Se; and (iii) speciation, metabolism, phytotoxicity and detoxification of Se inside plants. The toxic and beneficial effects of Se to plants have been discussed with respect to speciation and toxic/deficient concentration of Se. We highlight the significance of various enzymatic (catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione peroxidase) and non-enzymatic (phytochelatins and glutathione) antioxidants which help combat Se-induced overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The review also delineates Se accumulation in edible plant parts from soils containing low or high Se levels; elucidates associated health disorders or risks due to the consumption of Se-deficient or Se-rich foods; discusses the potential role of Se in different human disorders/diseases.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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In this work, bio-char, a mass productive by-product of biomass fast pyrolysis, was adopted as an adsorbent to remove tetracycline (TC) from aqueous solution. To enhance the adsorption capacity, a simple modification of bio-char with acid and alkali was carried out. Bio-char samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm. The results show that the alkali treated bio-char possesses larger surface area than those of raw and acid treated bio-chars, and accordingly exhibits a more excellent adsorption performance (58.8 mg/g) than the other two bio-chars and other adsorbents reported previously. The graphite-like structure of bio-char facilitates the formation of π-π interactions between ring structure in tetracycline molecule and graphite-like sheets. The surface area showed significant effects on TC adsorption as well as O-containing functional groups, whereas the initial pH of solution has small effects on TC adsorption under the experimental conditions.Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Diverse biochars produced from various feedstock sources (i.e., plant- and animal-wastes) at different pyrolysis temperatures (PTs) were characterized for their structural properties and sorption behaviors of aqueous microcystin-LR (MC-LR). Results indicated that MC-LR sorption capability of tested biochars varied as a function of biochar structural properties. Sorption mechanisms involved electrostatic attraction, pore-filling, hydrogen-bonding effect and π-π electron donor-acceptor interaction, but predominant mechanisms varied for different biochars. At the same PT (300 or 600°C), chicken manure-derived biochars (CMBs) exhibited stronger MC-LR sorption than others, with sorption coefficient (K) of 6.321-15.529Lg and 6.354-8.294Lg at aqueous equilibrium concentration (C) of 40 and 200μgL, respectively. Higher mesoporosity, the point of zero charge and total surface groups concentration related to higher ash content of CMBs, which might be indispensable for enhancing MC-LR sorption. This study suggested that CMBs have great potential as low-cost sustainable sorbents to abate MC-LR contamination.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Biochar produced by thermal decomposition of biomass under oxygen-limited conditions has received increasing attention as a cost-effective sorbent to treat metal-contaminated waters. However, there is a lack of information on the roles of different sorption mechanisms for different metals and recent development of biochar modification to enhance metal sorption capacity, which is critical for biochar field application. This review summarizes the characteristics of biochar (e.g., surface area, porosity, pH, surface charge, functional groups, and mineral components) and main mechanisms governing sorption of As, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Hg by biochar. Biochar properties vary considerably with feedstock material and pyrolysis temperature, with high temperature producing biochars with higher surface area, porosity, pH, and mineral contents, but less functional groups. Different mechanisms dominate sorption of As (complexation and electrostatic interactions), Cr (electrostatic interactions, reduction, and complexation), Cd and Pb (complexation, cation exchange, and precipitation), and Hg (complexation and reduction). Besides sorption mechanisms, recent advance in modifying biochar by loading with minerals, reductants, organic functional groups, and nanoparticles, and activation with alkali solution to enhance metal sorption capacity is discussed. Future research needs for field application of biochar include competitive sorption mechanisms of co-existing metals, biochar reuse, and cost reduction of biochar production.Published by Elsevier Ltd.
ZHOU X, ZHOU J, LIU Y, et al. Preparation of iminodiacetic acid-modified magnetic biochar by carbonization, magnetization and functional modification for Cd (II) removal in water[J]. Fuel, 2018, 233(1):469-479.
FANG G, GAO J, LIU C, et al. Key role of persistent free radicals in hydrogen peroxide activation by biochar: Implications to organic contaminant degradation[J]. Environmental science and technology, 2014, 48(3):1902-1910.
We investigated the activation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by biochars (produced from pine needles, wheat, and maize straw) for 2-chlorobiphenyl (2-CB) degradation in the present study. It was found that H2O2 can be effectively activated by biochar, which produces hydroxyl radical ((•)OH) to degrade 2-CB. Furthermore, the activation mechanism was elucidated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and salicylic acid (SA) trapping techniques. The results showed that biochar contains persistent free radicals (PFRs), typically ∼ 10(18) unpaired spins/gram. Higher trapped [(•)OH] concentrations were observed with larger decreases in PFRs concentration, when H2O2 was added to biochar, indicating that PFRs were the main contributor to the formation of (•)OH. This hypothesis was supported by the linear correlations between PFRs concentration and trapped [(•)OH], as well as kobs of 2-CB degradation. The correlation coefficients (R(2)) were 0.723 and 0.668 for PFRs concentration vs trapped [(•)OH], and PFRs concentration vs kobs, respectively, when all biochars pyrolyzed at different temperatures were included. For the same biochar washed by different organic solvents (methanol, hexane, dichloromethane, and toluene), the correlation coefficients markedly increased to 0.818-0.907. Single-electron transfer from PFRs to H2O2 was a possible mechanism for H2O2 activation by biochars, which was supported by free radical quenching studies. The findings of this study provide a new pathway for biochar implication and insight into the mechanism of H2O2 activation by carbonaceous materials (e.g., activated carbon and graphite).
ZHANG Y, ZHENG Y, YANG Y, et al. Mechanisms and adsorption capacities of hydrogen peroxide modified ball milled biochar for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions[J]. Bioresource technology, 2021, 337:125432.
HE H, QIAN T T, LIU W J, et al. Biological and chemical phosphorus solubilization from pyrolytical biochar in aqueous solution[J]. Chemosphere, 2014, 113:175-81.
Biochar, a massive byproduct of biomass pyrolysis during biofuel generation, is a potential P source for the mitigation of P depletion. However, the chemical and biological effect of the release of P from biochar is still unclear. In this study, two types of Lysinibacillus strains (Lysinibacillussphaericus D-8 and Lysinibacillus fusiformis A-5) were separated from a sediment and their P-solubilizing characteristics to biochar was first reported. Compared with the bacterial mixture W-1 obtained from a bioreactor, the introduction of A-5 and D-8 significantly improved P solubilization. The release of P from biochar by A-5 and D-8 reached 54% and 47%, respectively, which is comparable to that under rigorous chemical conditions. SEM images and XPS spectra demonstrated that the physicochemical properties of the biochar surface have changed in the process which may be caused by the activities of the microbes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BIAN S, XU S, YIN Z, et al. An efficient strategy for enhancing the adsorption capabilities of biochar via sequential KMnO4-promoted oxidative pyrolysis and H2O2 oxidation[J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13(5):1-12.
Firms must adapt to a business environment in constant flux. Economic and political factors and the constant interruption of new technologies force firms and organizations to change and to adapt, so that they are not left behind. Over recent years, the development of disruptive innovations has completely revolutionized past scenarios. These innovations break with what is already established and firms from various sectors face no choice other than to incorporate them into their project management portfolios, so as to ensure survival and business sustainability. Using MIVES methodology as its foundation, a business sustainability management model is presented in this paper for the management of disruptive innovation projects that a firm may wish to develop within a given sector. The management model is designed to facilitate disruptive innovation project management for firms within technological-industrial sectors, by assessing the sustainability of the project. The model is applied to two firms, one from the machine-tooling sector and another from the construction sector. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed, the results of which verified the validity and the stability of the proposed model.
FAN Q, CUI L, QUAN G, et al. Effects of wet oxidation process on biochar surface in acid and alkaline soil environments[J]. Materials, 2018, 11:2362.
Biochar has been studied for remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils by many researchers. When in external conditions, biochar in soils ages, which can transform its structural properties and adsorption capacity. This study was conducted with two oxidation processes, HNO3/H2SO4 and NaOH/H2O2, to simulate the effects of biochar in acid and alkaline soil conditions. The results show that the oxygen-containing functional groups increased in aged biochar, which led to improve the ratio of oxygen and carbon (O/C). Nitro functional groups were found in the acid-oxidation treated biochar. Destroyed ditches and scars were observed on the surface of aged biochar and resulted in growth in their specific surface area and porosity. Specific surface area increased by 21.1%, 164.9%, and 63.0% for reed-derived biochar treated with water washing, acid oxidation, and basic oxidation, respectively. Greater peaks in the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) results were found in C–O and O–H on the surface of field-aged biochar. Meanwhile, mappings of energy-dispersive spectroscopy showed that biochar aged in soil was abundant in minerals such as silicon, iron, aluminum, and magnesium. In summary, biochar subjected to wet oxidation aging had an increased capacity to immobilize Cd compared to unaged biochar, and the adsorption capacity of oxidized biochar increased by 28.4% and 13.15% compared to unaged biochar due to improvements in porosity and an increase in functional groups.
SANFORD J R, LARSON R A, RUNGE T. Nitrate sorption to biochar following chemical oxidation[J]. Science of the total environment, 2019, 669:938-947.
Biochar amendments can reduce nitrate (NO3) leaching in agricultural soil. It has been hypothesized that functional groups on the biochar surface from oxidation can increase NO3 sorption. This study evaluates the effect of chemical oxidation of biochar on NO3 sorption characteristics. Eight biochars, made from wood and corn cobs, underwent sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) oxidation and then assessed for NO3 sorption capacity using batch isotherm methods. The unoxidized and oxidized biochar produced at low temperatures (400 degrees C) had no significant NO3 sorption. Oxidized biochars produced at higher temperatures (600 degrees C and 700 degrees C) had calculated maximum NO3 sorption capacities (S-max) ranging from 0.50 to 3.97 mg NO3-N g(-1). Biochar oxidations with 50 mmol NaClOg(-1) (N50) in combination with an acid wash (AW) had the largest estimated sorption capacities of 3.68, 3.97, and 1.46 mg NO3-N g(-1) for CTN50,AW, BW3(N50,AW), and CC3(N50,AW), respectively. Sorption capacity of wood-based biochars was higher than corn cob biochars due to increased oxidation as measured by total acid group content (TAGC). Wood biochar Smax values were correlated with Delta TAGC (R-2 = 0.86), with a slope of 1.2 mu mol NO3-N mu mol TAGC(-1) suggesting that cationic bridging of NO3 to oxidized sites is the primary mechanism for NO3 sorption. (c) 2019 Elsevier B.V.
ZHANG X, MIAO X, XIANG W, et al. Ball milling biochar with ammonia hydroxide or hydrogen peroxide enhances its adsorption of phenyl volatile organic compounds (VOCs)[J]. Journal of hazardous materials, 2021, 403(5):123540.
EL-NEMR M A, ISMAIL I M A, ABDELMONEM N M, et al. Amination of biochar surface from watermelon peel for toxic chromium removal enhancement[J]. Chinese journal of chemical engineering, 2021, 8:199-222.
ZHANG Y, YUE X, XU, et al. Amino modification of rice straw-derived biochar for enhancing its cadmium (II) ions adsorption from water[J]. Journal of hazardous materials, 2019, 379(5):120783.
XIE Q Q, YANG X, XU K N, et al. Conversion of biochar to sulfonated solid acid catalysts for spiramycin hydrolysis:Insights into the sulfonation process[J]. Environmental research, 2020, 188:109887.
ZHANG M, SUN R Y, SONG G, et al. Enhanced removal of ammonium from water using sulfonated reed waste biochar- A lab-scale investigation[J]. Environmental pollution, 2022, 292(B):118412.
BAO D, LI Z, TANG R, et al. Metal-modified sludge-based biochar enhance catalytic capacity: Characteristics and mechanism[J]. Journal of environmental management, 2021, 284(15):112-113.
计海洋, 汪玉瑛, 刘玉学, 等. 生物炭及改性生物炭的制备与应用研究进展[J]. 核农学报, 2018, 32(11):2281-2287.
AHMED M B, ZHOU J L, NGO H H, et al. Progress in the preparation and application of modified biochar for improved contaminant removal from water and wastewater[J]. Bioresource technology, 2016, 214:836-851.
Modified biochar (BC) is reviewed in its preparation, functionality, applications and regeneration. The nature of precursor materials, preparatory conditions and modification methods are key factors influencing BC properties. Steam activation is unsuitable for improving BC surface functionality compared with chemical modifications. Alkali-treated BC possesses the highest surface functionality. Both alkali modified BC and nanomaterial impregnated BC composites are highly favorable for enhancing the adsorption of different contaminants from wastewater. Acidic treatment provides more oxygenated functional groups on BC surfaces. The Langmuir isotherm model provides the best fit for sorption equilibria of heavy metals and anionic contaminants, while the Freundlich isotherm model is the best fit for emerging contaminants. The pseudo 2(nd) order is the most appropriate model of sorption kinetics for all contaminants. Future research should focus on industry-scale applications and hybrid systems for contaminant removal due to scarcity of data. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
LI X, WANG C, ZHANG J, et al. Preparation and application of magnetic biochar in water treatment: A critical review[J]. Science of the total environment, 2020, 711(1):134847.
ZHANG S, HUA Z, YAO W, et al. Use of corn straw-derived biochar for magnetic solid-phase microextraction of organophosphorus pesticides from environmental samples[J]. Journal of chromatography A, 2021, 1660(20):462673.
鞠梦灿, 严丽丽, 简铃, 等. 氮掺杂生物炭材料的制备及其在环境中的应用[J]. 化工进展, 2022, 41(10).
ZHOU Q, JIANG X, LI X, et al. Preparation of high-yield N-doped biochar from nitrogen-containing phosphate and its effective adsorption for toluene[J]. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(53):30171-30179.


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