
于博, 张学芳, 徐松鹤, 任琴, 杨玉亭, 周萌洋, 潘瑜, 刘梦琪

中国农学通报. 2022, 38(17): 10-16

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中国农学通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (17) : 10-16. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2021-0967


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Effects of Formula Fertilization on the Growth and Development of Spring Maize

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The irrigated area of Inner Mongolia plain has dry climate and low soil fertility, and spring maize production is highly dependent on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients. In order to explore the suitable fertilizer formula and input amount in this area and their effects on the growth and development of spring maize, two varieties of spring maize, ‘Xianyu 1619’ and ‘A2636’, were selected as test materials. A random block test with no fertilizer (CK), 26-16-8 (treatment Ⅰ), 25-10-16 (treatment Ⅱ), 15-15-15 (treatment Ⅲ) and 34-9-7 (treatment IV) was designed. The effects of different fertilizer formula on the aboveground morphology, photosynthetic efficiency and leaf physiology of spring maize were studied. The results showed that: for spring maize variety ‘Xianyu 1619’, the plant height under treatment Ⅲ was significantly higher than that under other treatments, and the stem diameter under treatment Ⅰ was significantly higher than that under other treatments, and net photosynthetic rate (Pn), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductivity (Gs), chlorophyll content, peroxidase activity and soluble protein content under treatment IV were significantly higher than those under other treatments. For spring maize variety ‘A2636’, the plant height under treatment Ⅰ was significantly higher than that under other treatments, the stem diameter under treatment IV was significantly higher than that under other treatments, and Pn, Ci, Tr, Gs, chlorophyll content, peroxidase activity and soluble protein content under treatment Ⅲ were significantly higher than those under other treatments. In conclusion, the 34-9-7 formula with a high nitrogen ratio had significant influence on the growth of spring maize ‘Xianyu 1619’, and the 15-15-15 formula with balanced ratio of N, P and K had significant effect on the growth and development of spring maize ‘A2636’. The conclusion can provide a fertilization basis for spring maize production in arid area with low soil fertility.


春玉米 / 配方肥 / 光合效率 / 叶绿素 / 可溶性蛋白质

Key words

spring maize / formula fertilizer / photosynthetic efficiency / chlorophyll / soluble protein


于博 , 张学芳 , 徐松鹤 , 任琴 , 杨玉亭 , 周萌洋 , 潘瑜 , 刘梦琪. 配方施肥对春玉米生长发育的影响. 中国农学通报. 2022, 38(17): 10-16 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2021-0967
YU Bo , ZHANG Xuefang , XU Songhe , REN Qin , YANG Yuting , ZHOU Mengyang , PAN Yu , LIU Mengqi. Effects of Formula Fertilization on the Growth and Development of Spring Maize. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2022, 38(17): 10-16 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2021-0967


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