
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Supply Chain of Imported Aquatic Products and Countermeasures
The global supply chain of aquatic product has been influenced to some extent amid COVID-19 pandemic. This paper analyzed the current situation of aquatic product supply chain both at home and abroad, the problems found in the chain and the adopted response strategies, aiming to ensure the safety of imported aquatic products and the stable operation of the supply chain in China. Affected by COVID-19 pandemic, global trade of aquatic products has been slightly reduced, both supplying and trading venues are at risk of virus infection. In response to the crises, FAO and China have taken a number of measures, such as issuing relevant business guidelines, using digitalization to promote electronic trade, supervising personnel management, strengthening port quarantine, and improving market sales models. On this basis, this paper suggested building product traceability system, strengthening the epidemic prevention intensity and quality control of key products, innovating consumption and service patterns, and establishing a series of emergency response mechanisms to ensure the safety of China’s imported aquatic products.
新冠肺炎疫情 / 疫情防控 / 水产品 / 供应链 / 进口安全 {{custom_keyword}} /
COVID-19 / epidemic prevention and control / aquatic product / supply chain / safety of imported products {{custom_keyword}} /
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