
Study on the Pure Insurance Premium Rate of Pepper Waterlogging Disaster in Guizhou Province
To promote the development of Guizhou pepper waterlogging disaster meteorological index insurance business and reduce the risk of economic losses caused by waterlogging, according to the waterlogging grade standard developed in this paper, the precipitation data of 84 national meteorological stations in Guizhou Province of 30 years were processed, and the frequency of waterlogging disasters at all levels at each station and the pure insurance rate of each station were obtained. Using the Kriging difference to draw the frequency distribution map of waterlogging disasters at all levels and the distribution map of pure insurance premium rate, it can be clearly seen that the pepper planting areas greatly affected by waterlogging disasters are mainly concentrated in the southwest and parts of the south of Guizhou. The pepper-growing areas less affected by waterlogging are mainly in the west, north and eastern parts of Guizhou. The regions with higher pure insurance rate are mainly in the southwest and southeastern parts of Guizhou. When the deductibles are different, the pure insurance rate will have a big gap. Pepper waterlogging weather index insurance has a good development prospect in Guizhou, it can not only reduce the risk of farmers’ losses due to waterlogging, but also promote the continuous and stable growth of Guizhou’s pepper industry.
农业保险 / 气象指数保险 / 渍涝 / 辣椒 / 纯保险费率 {{custom_keyword}} /
agricultural insurance / index-based weather insurance / waterlogging / pepper / pure insurance rate {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 辣椒渍涝指标及产量损失率 |
灾害等级 | 一级 | 二级 | 三级 |
3天累积降雨量/mm | 200 mm≤P<220 mm | 220 mm≤P<240 mm | P≥240 mm |
短时(1 h)降雨量/mm | 30 mm≤P<50 mm | 50 mm≤P<60 mm | P≥60 mm |
损失率/% | 5 | 10 | 20 |
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