
柯志成, 连海峰, 何中声, 刘金福, 陈奕

中国农学通报. 2021, 37(16): 156-164

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中国农学通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (16) : 156-164. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2020-0392


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Knowledge Map Analysis of Castanopsis kawakamii Based on CiteSpace

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采用CiteSpace V软件对中国知网数据库中1980—2019年166篇关于格氏栲研究领域的文献进行可视化研究分析,根据发文作者、研究机构、基金来源、期刊来源和关键词的分布情况绘制知识图谱,以呈现格氏栲研究领域目前的研究现状、发展历程和潜在的研究趋势。此外,还对Web of Science核心合集数据库中的15篇SCI文献进行对比研究。研究结果表明:(1)格氏栲研究主要围绕格氏栲、土壤肥力、人工林、天然林、杉木和林窗等主题展开;(2)刘金福、洪伟、杨玉盛、何中声和陈光水是该研究领域具有影响力的作者;(3)福建农林大学(原福建林学院)、福建师范大学、福建三明格氏栲自然保护区是该领域主要的研究机构;(4)高刊载量期刊有《福建林学院学报》、《生态学报》、《林业科技》、《福建林业科技》;(5)格氏栲天然林、土壤肥力、人工林、物种多样性、杉木和林窗为近40年的研究热点,预测会出现研究杉木、林窗和格氏栲凋落物的热潮。


Using CiteSpace V software, we analyzed 166 literature in Castanopsis kawakamiii research field in China National Knowledge Infrastructure from 1980 to 2019. According to the distribution of authors, research institutions, fund sources, journal sources and keywords, the knowledge map was drawn to show current research status, development process and future research trend of C. kawakamii. In addition, 15 SCI literature in the Web of Science database were compared. The results show that: (1) the C. kawakamii research is mainly based on C. kawakamii, soil fertility, plantations, natural forests, fir and forest gaps; (2) Liu Jinfu, Hong Wei, Yang Yusheng, He Zhongsheng and Chen Guangshui are the influential authors in this field; (3) Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (formerly Fujian Forestry College), Fujian Normal University, Fujian Sanming Castanopsis Nature Reserve are the main research institutions in this field; (4) high-volume journals included: Journal of Fujian Forestry College, Journal of Ecology, Forestry Science and Technology, Fujian Forestry Science and Technology; (5) C. kawakamii natural forest, soil fertility, planted forest, species diversity, C. lanceolata and forest gap have been the research hotspots in recent 40 years. In the future, there will be an upsurge of research on C. lanceolata, forest gaps and C. kawakamii litter.


格氏栲 / CiteSpace / 知识图谱 / 可视化 / 研究热点 / 研究趋势

Key words

Castanopsis kawakamii / CiteSpace / knowledge map / visualization / research hotspot / research trends


柯志成 , 连海峰 , 何中声 , 刘金福 , 陈奕. 基于CiteSpace的格氏栲知识图谱分析. 中国农学通报. 2021, 37(16): 156-164 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2020-0392
Ke Zhicheng , Lian Haifeng , He Zhongsheng , Liu Jinfu , Chen Yi. Knowledge Map Analysis of Castanopsis kawakamii Based on CiteSpace. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2021, 37(16): 156-164 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2020-0392


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