
Agronomic Traits of Male Sterile Lines and Cross Combinations of Dried Processing Type Radish
The paper aims to screen high yield and quality sterile lines and combinations of dried processing white radish. In the study, the top crossing method was used to hybridize 10 sterile lines and an elite inbred line. General combining ability analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis and principal component analysis were carried out on 8 agronomic traits of 10 test combinations, including plant height, plant width, leaf length, leaf width, root length, root thickness, single root weight and hollowness. The results showed that the traits of root length and single root weight of ‘237A’, ‘237B’ and ‘231A’ sterile lines were excellent, which had the application potential of preparing dry processed radish. Plant height, root length and single root weight were positively correlated with hollowness, and the direct diameter coefficient of root length and single root weight was 1.029, and the plant height had a negative effect on single root weight, and the direct diameter coefficient P=-0.1937. However, the plant height achieved a significant positive effect through the indirect effects of root length, leaf length and plant width (0.9959). In summary, combined with the results of principal component analysis, ‘231A’בQingshou’, ‘237B’בQingshou’ and ‘19072’בQingshou’ are determined to be high quality combination of processing type white radish, which could be used for production test. At the same time, it is suggested that the root length, plant height, leaf length, plant width and bran core should be considered as the main agronomic characters for breeding high yield and high quality of processed radish.
干制加工型白萝卜 / 雄性不育系 / 农艺性状 / 一般配合力 / 相关性分析 / 通径分析 / 主成分分析 {{custom_keyword}} /
dried processing type radish / male sterile line / agronomic traits / general combining ability / correlation analysis / path analysis / principal component analysis {{custom_keyword}} /
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